The Great Food Reset: ‘Lab-grown meat’ harvested in ‘massive steel vats’ edges closer to fed approval & U.S. dinner plates – As EU approves human consumption of worms & crickets

Climate Depot Special Report

Lab-grown meat moves closer to American dinner plates – ‘Grown in enormous steel vessels called bioreactors & processed’ into meat-like substance – Eat lab-grown meat from ‘massive bioreactors’ to save the earth! ‘Our planet is in crisis’ – Restaurateur Andrés, known for his work on global food security, told Reuters he wants to sell cultivated meat because of its environmental benefits. “We can see in what is happening all around us, in every country around the globe, that our planet is in crisis,” he said.

The Great Food Reset has arrived: Expect ‘real’ food shortages, Biden declares – Meanwhile, Bill Gates & China buy up U.S. farmland – Climate Depot’s Morano: “If the Davos crowd of the World Economic Forum were looking for a better global environment on which to enact their central planning vision of a Great Reset, it would be hard to imagine a more conducive chaotic time than right now.”  See: Watch video: World Economic Forum’s utopian Great Reset vision of 2030 – ‘You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy’ – ‘Whatever you want you’ll rent & it’ll be delivered by drone’ – Meat will be ‘an occasional treat’

Also see:‘Americans May Have to Say Goodbye to Steak & Burgers as Beef Costs Rise’ as inflation soars – Just what the climate activists always wanted!

Watch: Morano’s 20 min. speech on The Great Food Reset Takeover of Our Farms & Food Supply
