GOP seeking capitulation, to offer Green New Deal lite?! Romney ‘looking at’ carbon tax legislation

Mitt Romney 08

Sen. Mitt Romney said Wednesday he was considering co-sponsoring a carbon tax bill with Delaware Democrat Cris Coons.

Romney told E&E News he’s considering the proposal which would put a $15-per-metric-ton fee on carbon emissions.

“Taxes have never been my intent, but we’ll see what he has to say,” Romney said. “I would very much like to see us reduce our carbon emissions globally, and we’ll see if this might help.”

There are still a handful of GOP carbon tax supporters left in the House after the Democratic wave of the 2018 midterms, but Romney — if he does co-sponsor the bill — would be the only Republican senator openly supporting the idea.

For Romney, who has taken some heat for his relative moderation in some wings of the GOP, it would be another step away from President Trump, who denies climate science.

Romney, who has previously said he wants to work on climate change issues, but has not committed to backing the measure.


Related Links: 

The Three Major Problems with a Carbon Tax – There are three big problems with the concept: It would disproportionately hurt low-income consumers, it would inevitably be watered down by special interests, and it would have to be imposed on our trading partners.

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