WaPo column: Joe Biden’s $1.7 trillion climate plan ‘is a gift for Trump’ – ‘Plan is so aggressive it will give Trump plenty of targets to shoot at’
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/06/05/joe-bidens-climate-change-plan-is-gift-trump/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.5db121ca48be By Henry Olsen Columnist June 5 Joe Biden released his climate change action plan yesterday. It was the best campaign gift President Trump could have hoped for. Action on climate change is a priority for left-leaning voters around the globe. The Democracy Fund Voter Study Group’s polling in 2017 found that climate change and the environment were […]
White House might make federal scientists debate skeptics — ‘Could produce a series of white papers… essentially establishing a formal record of climate contrarianism’
https://www.eenews.net/stories/1060492967 Scott Waldman, E&E News reporter Climatewire: Thursday, June 6, 2019 The Trump administration is weighing its “red team, blue team” climate debate options. Pictured is President Trump as he attended a D-Day commemoration yesterday in Portsmouth, England. Avalon.red/Newscom A White House plan to debate the accuracy of climate science has hit a snag: Mainstream scientists are […]
EIA data 2018: Wind & solar met 3% of U.S. energy after $50 billion in subsidies – Fossil Fuels 81%
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/06/06/eia-data-shows-wind-solar-met-3-of-u-s-energy-after-50-billion-in-subsidizes/ Guest essay by Larry Hamlin The EIA AEO 2019 report shows that in year 2018 wind and solar energy resources provide about 3% of U.S. total energy consumption while fossil fuel energy resources provide about 81% of total energy use. The dominate use of fossil fuels in meeting U.S. energy needs remains little changed […]
https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/06/biden-not-responsible-plagiarism-blames-staff/ David Krayden | Ottawa Bureau Chief Democratic presidential nomination front-runner Joe Biden was running away Wednesday from any mea culpa in his latest plagiarism controversy. The former vice president is pointing his finger at his campaign staff for coming up with a climate change plan that wasn’t always original. Tom Elliott@tomselliott Biden blames his […]
Glacier National Park Quietly Removes Its ‘Gone by 2020’ Signs As ‘Glaciers Appear to be Growing, not Melting in Recent Years’
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/06/06/glacier-national-park-quietly-removes-its-gone-by-2020-signs/ Glaciers Appear to be Growing, not Melting in Recent Years By Roger I. Roots, J.D., Ph.D., Founder, Lysander Spooner University May 30, 2019. St. Mary, Montana. Officials at Glacier National Park (GNP) have begun quietly removing and altering signs and government literature which told visitors that the Park’s glaciers were all expected to disappear […]
GOP seeking capitulation, to offer Green New Deal lite?! Romney ‘looking at’ carbon tax legislation
https://utahpolicy.com/index.php/features/today-at-utah-policy/20631-romney-looking-at-carbon-tax-legislation Written by Bryan Schott, Managing Editor Category: Today At Utah Policy Created: 05 June 2019 Sen. Mitt Romney said Wednesday he was considering co-sponsoring a carbon tax bill with Delaware Democrat Cris Coons. Romney told E&E News he’s considering the proposal which would put a $15-per-metric-ton fee on carbon emissions. “Taxes have never been my intent, but we’ll […]
Here we go again: U.S. officials warn of climate risk to ‘national security’ as Trump (correctly) dismisses it – Studies refute claims
https://www.inquirer.com/science/climate/us-officials-warn-of-climate-risk-as-trump-dismisses-it-20190605.html by Eric Tucker, Associated Press, WASHINGTON — Senior U.S. officials warned Wednesday that climate change is an increasing threat to national security, a message at odds with a broader Trump administration effort to downplay the threat from global warming. Military and intelligence officials outlined a range of long-term threats arising from climate change, including […]
Dirty Rotten Climate Scandals: Reality of big climate funding will shock you – See ‘tally of warmist cash awards’
https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/doomed-planet/2019/06/dirty-rotten-climate-scoundrels/ Doomed Planet Dirty Rotten Climate Scandal Tony Thomas Shakespeare’s monster, Caliban, dreamed of clouds opening to show riches ready to drop upon him. Climate scientists don’t have to dream about it – honors, awards and cash prizes rain down in torrents. Other scientists try to help humanity, but while climate scientists may kid themselves […]
REPORT: ‘High likelihood of human civilization coming to end’ by 2050 due to ‘climate crisis’
https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change-global-warming-end-human-civilisation-research-a8943531.html?amp Over-conservative climate scenarios mean we could face ‘world of outright chaos’, says analysis authored by former fossil fuel executive and backed by former head of Australia’s military Harry Cockburn Human civilisation as we know it may have already entered its last decades, a worrying new report examining the likely future of our planet’s habitability […]