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BBC: Predictions say were Doomed! Warns of ‘increase’ of ‘catastrophic flooding…at any moment’ – But last sentence admits ‘there has as yet been no such increase’ Millions face threat of flooding from glacial lakes Up to 15 million people face risk of catastrophic flooding from glacial lakes which could burst their natural dams at any moment, a new study finds. …  The study published in the journal Nature Communications assessed the conditions of lakes and the number of people […]

Sea Level Is Stable Around The World… The Good News The Media Don’t Want Us To Hear “No accelerating sea level rise”… “no correlation between CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and sea level rise”. Dr. Jay Lehr, Dennis Hedke  First appearing at CFACT. We have been studying climate change and potentially associated sea level changes resulting from melting ice and warming oceans for a half century. In the 1970s our primary concern was global […]

Do You Believe in Climate Models?! Miami should begin ‘preparing for evacuation’ due to climate change, Berkeley professor argues By Lindsay Kornick | Fox News Daniel Aldana Cohen argued that it would help ‘force municipalities’ across the country to get serious about climate change Daniel Aldana Cohen and Samantha Schuyler provided arguments regarding the question “Should We Start Preparing for the Evacuation of Miami?” in a piece for The Nation on Friday. Cohen, a UC Berkeley […]

Claim: Deadly fungal infection ‘Valley Fever’ is spreading across USA ‘because of climate change’ By CAITLIN TILLEY, HEALTH REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM A deadly fungal infection is spreading across the US — and scientists believe it is due to climate change. Cases of ‘Valley Fever’ – which is 10 times more deadly than flu – have risen 20-fold since the turn of the century. It is caused by the fungus Coccidioides, which […]

Top climate scientists predict decades of global cooling in study published in Nature journal Climate & Atmospheric Science (The Daily Sceptic) — Whisper it quietly – and don’t tell Al “Boiling Oceans” Gore – but the Northern hemisphere may be entering a temperature cooling phase until the 2050s with a decline up to 0.3°C (~1.14°F). By extension, the rest of the globe will also be cooled. These sensational findings, ignored by the mainstream […]

Analysis: UN IPCC Climate Models Grossly Exaggerate ‘Global Warming’ By Jerome Corsi Several recently published studies have provided methodological objections to alarmist IPCC global climate models that predict catastrophic global warming will result from anthropogenic CO2 atmospheric concentrations from burning hydrocarbon fuels. These studies indicate that a more accurate reading of the earth’s surface temperatures suggests global climate warming over the next few decades […]

Climate change makes heat waves, storms & droughts worse – Claim weather attribution models By Paul Homewood This new report is making the rounds: Climate change is causing the weather around the world to get more extreme, and scientists are increasingly able to pinpoint exactly how the weather is changing as the Earth heats up. A sweeping new report by top climate scientists and meteorologists describes how climate change drove […]

Earth COULD face a mass EXTINCTION by 2100: Supercomputer predicts more than a quarter of species will die by the end of century New study shows extinction will wipe out over a quarter of world biodiversity Experts blame land use, climate change and ‘over-exploitation of resources Research published during the COP15 UN Biodiversity Conference in Canada Earth faces a mass extinction by 2100 that could wipe out more than a quarter of world biodiversity, a new study […]

The new Global Temperature Pause is 8 years 2 months long – & counting

Special to Climate Depot By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley The only reliable global-temperature database, the University of Alabama at Huntsville’s satellite record kept by Dr John Christy and Dr Roy Spencer, who designed, built and operate the satellites and process and publish the data, is exactly 44 years old this month. It shows there has […]