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Watch: Morano on Ingraham on Fox: EV mandates ‘making freedom of movement more difficult’ to ‘force us into mass transit, subways, buses’ – Plus Gore in Davos claims Net Zero will stop global warming COLD

The Ingraham Angle – Fox News Channel – Broadcast January 17, 2024 

Morano on cold temps stopping EVs: I would argue this is a feature, not a bug. I mean, this is part of making travel, freedom of movement more difficult — the more we’re stuck with cars that don’t work, cars that take a long time to charge, the more they think they’ll force us into mass transit, subways, buses, and the Earth will smile. This is what the ideologues that Davos are pushing. This is what the Biden Administration is pushing.

Morano China’s auto dominance: It was Trump’s 2013 tweet about global warming being invented to help China. China is now passing Japan as the number one Global exporter of cars. There is an invasion of Chinese cars. It’s because they have a monopoly on EVs. As I say, EVS dig the Earth, and that’s why China has a monopoly.

Morano on Gore: Al Gore at the Davos meeting is now saying once we achieve the political goal of Net Zero — which was essentially pulled out of thin air,  according to a top UN scientist — the Earth’s temperature will stop rising almost immediately within 3 years. Gore’s pulling a COVID tactic, like wear your mask, do the lockdown, get the vax and everything will be better very quickly. They’re literally pushing this now — three years and we will stop global warming, and it’s over. We never have to hear about it again according to what we’re hearing from Davos.

Watch: Morano on Fox on CEO angst over climate regs & German farmer protest: ‘We are watching the controlled demolition of the German agricultural sector due to Net Zero’

The Bottom Line – Fox Business Channel – Broadcast January 15, 2024

Morano: “I think there is a split; they’re not bad. Here’s the bottom line: they have to do this climate transition, and as I have said, it’s easier to transition gender than the climate. And these business owners know — the CEOs know it.

But they also know that every day we wake up, the federal government here in the United States and even in the EU, we wake up, and they want to ban gas-powered cars and ban gas stoves; they are even going after wood pizza ovens in New York City. The Washington Post is even going after houseplants — saying they cause climate change.”

Morano on Gore’s climate astrology at Davos: “As Davos is meeting, they hear things like today when Al Gore said if they meet these political targets of Net Zero, which are going to impact businesses, the temperature will stop going up almost immediately. He’s saying in three years we will be able to see an effect. So if businesses believe, you can pass a tax or regulation and stop the earth’s rotation or climate change or the earth’s temperature. That is a pretty big regulatory uncertainty because ideologies at the World Economic Forum will enforce those kinds of regulations on business if they actually believe they can stop temperatures from rising in three years or less. It’s pretty scary stuff.”

Morano on German farmer climate protest: “This is the greatest economy in Europe; they are watching the controlled demolition of the German agricultural sector, their economy due to Net Zero.

We have a history here; we can look At what happened in Sri Lanka – the total collapse of the country, the ‘peasants’ overran the Presidential palace when they went to change their agricultural policies with the backing of the World Economic Forum.

We saw what happened in the Netherlands, which is very similar to what is happening in Germany, and the farmers fought back in the Netherlands, where 10,000 plus small family farms were about to be put out by the Net Zero regulations. But the farmers formed their own political party in the Netherlands and are now fighting back in parliament.”

Watch: Morano on Varney on Fox debunks ‘hottest year’, EV mandates – ‘Electric buses will make Virtual Learning come back for students as they won’t be able to get to school’

Fox Business Channel – Varney & Co – Broadcast January 10, 2024

Morano: “The hottest year on record is pretty much declared almost every year every other year. It’s based on temperatures hundreds or tenths of a degree difference between years — many times within the margin of error, the data set and even the NASA former head global warming scientist said it’s ‘not important’ and a political statement.

It’s meant to create fear, meant to push politics like EV mandates. And if you were actually worried about climate change, the last thing you would think of is EVs are the solution. It takes half a million pounds of materials, including rare earth materials to make one average-sized Tesla battery.

Morano on EVs: “EVs dig the Earth, and not on a groovy 1970s Brady Bunch way, Stuart. But I mean, they dig the earth deeply with lots of emissions, with low environmental standards, and we have farmed out all of that mining out to the countries with the worst human rights and environmental standards.”

Morano on Electric School buses: “Mandating electric buses is not going to work, but the only thing electric buses will do is make Virtual Learning come back for students as they won’t be able to get to school. And then once the EV buses collapse the electrical grid, Virtual Learning won’t even exist because of blackouts. And California is very well known for their blackouts.”

Stuart Varney: You’re painting a very dark picture Marc Morano. Come back and do it again. We’ll see you soon.

Watch: Morano on Varney on Fox calls Biden’s EV mandates ‘a dangerous bust’ & talks federal judges being trained to rule on climate lawsuits

Biden’s EV push is an ‘absolute’ and ‘dangerous’ bust: Marc Morano – publisher Marc Morano discusses the Biden administration’s push for electric vehicles amid concerns over long-distance trips and a left-wing group training judges on climate cases. Video here: Varney & Co. – Fox Business Channel – Broadcast January 2, 2024      Rough Transcript:  […]

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends presents the top 4 ‘climate hypocrites’ of 2023 – And the winner is…

Fox News Channel – Fox and Friends – Broadcast December 30, 2023

Rachel Campos-Duffy: Mirror mirror on the wall. Which climate activist was the most hypocritical of them all. Marc Morano, we love him,  he has all the names and he joins us next…So who tops the list of biggest climate Hypocrites this year? Well our next guest can name a few. Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano joins us now in a very snazzy red suit.

Marc Morano: I’m ready to celebrate.  I take award ceremonies very seriously.

Rachel Campos-Duffy: I love it. So who tops this Oscar?

Marc Morano: Climate Hypocrite #4: We start with King Charles. … King Charles, formerly Prince Charles, is issuing climate tipping points and here’s the thing Rachel he has servants reportedly iron his shoelaces, and he travels with a portable toilet. So I think he’s probably the last person on planet Earth who should be lecturing us. 

Climate Hypocrite #3: The UN cop 28 the Climate Summit itself. It had the largest carbon footprint in the history of climate summits. .. As CNN was telling us we needed ‘carbon passports’ to travel — us the unwashed masses –the UN climate was also planning on restricting our meat eating as John Kerry announced he wanted to go after agriculture. But at the UN climate summit,  they were serving wagyu beef, Philly cheese steaks, they had lavish restaurants serving meat. There were no insects on the menu and there was no Bill Gates lab-grown meat either.

Climate Hypocrite #2: Next on the list is before we get to the final winner here is none other than Bill Gates himself. Bill Gates has literally had the world’s largest carbon footprint for years. Gates has a $43 million Oceanfront home and he’s got a $30,000 a month electricity bill again. 

Climate Hypocrite #1: The winner is John Kerry, and John Kerry gets this award easily for the end of 2023. We have to give the number one climate hypocrite award to John Kerry because he stood before Congress at a hearing and was grilled by a Congressman where he repeatedly said ‘I don’t own a private jet,  I’ve never owned a private jet.’ And it wasn’t until about 45 minutes later that a congressman grilled him and said wait a minute, your wife owned private jets for decades and then finally sold them when the negative media came out, and John Kerry was forced to say, ‘Yes my wife owns one. Yes, I’ve flown in HER private jets.’

Morano: An actual positive award to Abigail Disney, the Disney heiress. We’ve got to give her props. She has come out and stopped flying private jets. She is one of the wealthiest heiresses in the world, heir to the Disney fortune. She now wants to ban private jets for the 1% wealthiest people in the world and I say she’s got it right. We need to support Abigail Disney the Disney heiress, because any of these climate rules they come up with should apply to the John Kerrys and the Bill Gates, and King Charles types first. Let’s experiment on them with travel bans, restrictions on meat eating, insect-eating, And only then should we consider these restrictions for the rest of us. Let’s support what the Disney heiress is doing. .. 

Rachel Campos-Duffy: Marc,  I love how you always bring this to our attention. Wishing you a Happy New Year and thanks for joining us with your awesome list.

Watch: Morano on Fox on Gore warning of billion ‘climate refugees’ – ‘Gore’s basically saying give up your freedom now, or else you’ll have to give it up later’

Fox News Channel – Jesse Watters Primetime – Broadcast December 26, 2023


Morano: You think the climate activists would love this ‘climate migration’ because the Los Angeles Times with Bill McKibben, a climate activist, actually wrote that they want more Hispanics from the Southern border coming in because they’re less likely to vote for ‘climate deniers.’ They actually want the Hispanics to come in because they think they’ll vote Democrat, and they said the quiet part out loud on the pages of the LA Times.

See: Bill McKibben in LA Times in 2013 urged more immigration to stop ‘white America’ from ‘pulling the lever for climate deniers’ – McKibben urged illegal immigration so ‘Latinos’ could replace ‘white Americans’ voting impact – ‘Election after election, native-born…citizens pull the lever for climate deniers’ ‘By contrast…77% of Latino voters think climate change is already happening’

Morano: VP Kamila Harris looked for ‘root causes’ of illegal immigration and blamed climate change. The bottom line is that it’s the climate agenda that is causing massive pain and suffering for people around the world. Look at what happened in Sri Lanka when they went all in on the climate agenda with farming. They overran the presidential Palace they tried to impose the same thing in the Netherlands, but the farmers fought back. Now it’s coming here for in the U.S., we have John Kerry coming after the American farmers, and the climate agenda is coming for Transportation. They’re coming after our energy. This is what causes displacement, it is bad policy —  not climate change —  which has a 99% drop in climate-related deaths over the last 100 years.

See: After 100 years of climate change, ‘climate-related deaths’ approach zero – Dropped by over 99% since 1920

Morano: Gore’s saying we’re going to have to give up our freedoms unless we tackle climate change. He’s basically saying give up your freedom now to the World Economic Forum, to the UN, to the World Health Organization — which wants to declare climate a public health threat. …

Gore’s basically saying give up your freedom now, or else you’ll have to give it up later. The problem is if we give up our freedoms now to fight climate change with his agenda, we’ll never see our freedom again. They won’t grant it back to us.

Watch: Morano on Fox: ‘We Never Had A Vote’ – Blasts Biden Admin For Bypassing Voters To Impose Green Agenda

Fox Business – ‘The Bottom Line’ – Broadcast December 26, 2023

Morano: “We never had a vote. It’s all been decided with executive orders, mid-level bureaucrats, corporate-government collusion, executive agencies,” Morano continued. “Do we need to start limiting meat eating? That’s the other question. The answer’s no to both…I’m arguing we need to challenge this entire premise.”

“It’s climate policy, not climate change, that is going to drive migration, and the same was true with COVID, by the way,” Morano said. “People in droves leaving California and other states. What we’re finding is people in Sri Lanka followed climate policy to the collapse of their government, their presidential palace was overrun. The farmers in the Netherlands were subjected to climate policy, and they almost crushed all the small family-run farms.”

“They are using climate fear to literally restrict and collapse energy, agriculture, transportation, go right after our freedom of movement,” Morano said.

Watch: Morano on Fox on Biden’s green energy spending: ‘All you’re going to end up with is massive failure, massive debt, & massive inflation, which is what we actually have’

Fox Business – The Evening Edit – Broadcast December 20, 2023

Marc Morano: What they’ve done is double down on the failure. If you remember, in 2009, Biden, then vice president, was labeled ‘Sheriff Joe’ because he was going to oversee this Obama green energy stimulus funds, and he did oversee it — to things like Solyndra and its total collapse and all the democratic donors disproportionately received a lot of that money. It was also a big source of Al Gore’s massive increase in wealth from all of these green stimulus bills. What they’re doing now is making the same mistakes over and over. I’m sorry, DOE mid-level bureaucrats cannot pick winners and losers in an energy economy. All you’re going to end up with is massive failure, massive debt, and massive inflation, which is what we actually have.

Morano: When you declare war on energy even to the point of jailing fossil fuel executives as Biden did, and all the executive orders and every Cabinet agency is a climate agency is attempting to shut it down. When you make energy rationing, and you make energy more expensive, you’re going to have higher prices; you’re going to have less economic growth. That’s one of the fundamentals. The other thing he’s done is massive spending, massive debt, which leads to massive inflation, and there’s no sign that they’re stopping; they’re just doubling down, and the more they fail. The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan.

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends on ‘nature rights’ & ‘personhood’ for land, rivers & trees: ‘Humans are going to be reduced to the level of a rock, a river, or a plant’

Fox and Friends – Fox News Channel – Broadcast December 14, 2023 

Morano on ‘nature rights’: “The Financial Times reported essentially about white-wealthy Western nations buying up land in Africa as ‘carbon offsets.’ So you have at least five African nations where 20% of their land is locked up. They can’t develop it based on some sort of sense of preserving nature rights.” See: Climate Colonialism: ‘The looming land grab in Africa for carbon credits’ – Western carbon offset companies look to lock up ‘a tenth of Liberia’s land mass, a fifth of Zimbabwe’s, & swaths of Kenya, Zambia & Tanzania’

Morano: “We all want a clean, healthy environment. But what they’ve done here is now giving voice to rivers, trees, and land, and obviously, they can’t speak for themselves. So, where is their voice coming from? It’s coming from self-important, self-appointed bureaucrats and activists who will speak on behalf of these inanimate objects.”

Morano on proposed jail time for using gas leaf blowers: “What’s next? Are they going to start threatening people with jail if you fly on a plane too many times? Because CNN is already promoting carbon passports so you can fly only a limited number of times. Are you going to jail if you drive a car that’s gas-powered? I mean, that’s where we’re headed.”