Summary Marc Morano Appears on ‘The Count’ To Discuss Gas Stoves Ban – Newsmax TV – Broadcast February 4, 2023
>> Host: And welcome back Joe Biden’s Energy department is reportedly drafting new energy conservation standards for gas and electric stoves, reigniting that debate and joining us now to talk about. It is Marc, Morano, the founder of and former member of The Senate Environmental & Public Works Committee. Thanks for the time tonight now, what is behind these new conservation standards in? How will that impact? If you own a gas stove.
Marc Morano: Well, what’s happened? First of all, the Consumer Protection Safety Administration, an unelected bureaucrat, announced that they may have to be banned because of the link to childhood asthma. And then there was an outcry, so they pulled back and claimed ‘we never said banned. These are a bunch of paranoid people.’ Then the governor of New York went after gas fireplaces and said it’s because it climate change. Now the Energy Department of the Biden administration is coming after the gas stoves. It’s a combination of asthma fears and climate fears and the climate fears have no justification because even with methane, many scientists and there’s been peer reviewed studies showing that methane is an irrelevant greenhouse gas.
The health studies are particularly outrageous. Because, even the NIH says that the cause of asthma is currently unknown, and, in addition to that, if you look at the states, like California, compare California to North Dakota, they both have high gas stove uses, but with wildly fluctuating asthma, rates. There just no way they could make this claim and the study that the Biden Administration is basing it on is literally based on a study by a climate activist, a group, one of which is Todd Stern who was the UN climate negotiator for the Paris climate accord. So this is all ideology agenda. They’re, trying to ban our stove going forward. It’s going to affect new construction.
Host: Can you dig into the science of that? Do you think there will be a push to get rid of gas stoves and you mention that was one of their points, but where are they getting that from it’s from this?
Marc Morano: One study, which was a Meta-analysis, would claim like twelve point, seven percent of all kid. >> Kids have to go get asthma with a gas stove in your house. The problem is, is that gas stoves are noted, are actually less harmful in any way shape or form, then candles cooking oils, and if you look at that, the emissions from those what actually aggravate or cause as much worse, it’s all about ventilation. If you look for some states with high gas, stove use as low as my rates states, where the very low gas derivatives have high asthma rates. It is it completely unscientific, statistically unsupported concept driven by a group that wants to make carbon-free buildings and is funded by the climate, industrial complex.
So the question is, will it happen? I think there’s been enough outcry against this, where Republicans in Congress particularly you’re going to fight it and many activists. The bottom line is we wake up every day with some new, unelected bureaucrat or some new government edict trying to ban something. We’ve seen that gas-powered car bans in the future, seeing them try to ban meat, ban high yield agriculture, ban, all sorts of energy- and this is just the latest ban by this administration, and it’s unbelievable. I think we’re going to major push back on this.
Host: >> And mark I’m sure, the next time we talk, there’s going to be another thing that they’re trying to ban in the name of the Green New Deal. Marc Morano, thanks for being here tonight,
Morano: Thank you very much appreciate it.
So after many in the media worked overtime to deem the “Biden is banning gas stoves” story as a conspiracy theory, we find out:
1) The Biden admin had internal memos planning a ban of gas stoves
2) Corrupt energy @SecGranholm met with the dark money group pushing for it
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) February 10, 2023
WaPo claim: “Scientists say a growing body of research shows that gas stoves pose a threat to the planet and public health.”
Steve Milloy of The study results, including the component studies, are weak statistical associations — i.e., noise range correlations. Asthma is an allergic disease. There are no allergens in natural gas. So the study has no biological plausibility. No one knows what causes asthma in children and so competing causes could not be ruled out.
Update: Gas Stoves Are Back Under Scrutiny With First of-their-kind US Energy Dept Limits Proposed
Climate Depot: “The meta-analysis the Biden admin wants to ban — without a vote — has a huge undeclared conflict of interest by conflict. The climate activist group ‘carbon free buildings’ RMI or Rocky Mountain Institute is listed as one of the lead authors on the new study.”
No “conflict of interest” is not true. RMI’s (Rocky Mountain Institute) of Boulder, Colorado Board of Trustees features former Obama Climate Envoy Todd Stern on its board of trustees. RMI’s (Rocky Mountain Institute) of Boulder, Colorado Board of Trustees features former Obama Climate Envoy Todd Stern on its board of trustees.
RMI’s website explains, “Todd Stern was ‘a leading architect of the Obama administration’s international climate change strategy,’ according to Politico. Stern was appointed to the position of US Special Envoy on Climate Change on January 26, 2009, by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He was the chief US negotiator of the successful Paris Agreement.” RMI is also a World Economic Forum partner.
The RMI website details how the group has been “Calling out gas stoves” and notes that they are “contributing to global warming.”
RMI’s video details their climate activist agenda: “We have less than 10 years to act to avert the disastrous effects of climate change.” RMI envisions a “carbon-free grid” and seeks “to take urgent and impactful action now.”
Professor Roger Pielke Jr.: “Cooking indoors = emissions. The type of stove matters to emissions rates If you really care about emissions and not politics, then focus on cooking with oils = emissions ~10x of gas stoves. Want to regulate something to reduce indoor emissions? Cooking oil! Olive, corn etc. And ~10x cooking oils? Candles and incense.”
Update: More Bans! NY Gov. Hochul seeks gas heating ban in new homes, buildings ‘because climate change remains the greatest threat to our planet’– Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: “We have reached peak insantiy. Americans wake up every day to find some unexpected executive order or a bureaucratic edict that has once again bypassed democracy, taking away their freedoms or choices. NY Gov. Hochul is the latest example as she has just announced that she plans to ban gas heating in new homes and buildings construction to stop ‘climate change’ which she claims is the ‘greatest threat to our planet.’ Just a few days earlier, we found out that an unelected bureaucrat at the Consumer Product Safety Commission? has decided to ban gas stoves. More mandates with no vote of democracy.
Update: Consumer Safety Agency Says It’s Not Coming After Your Gas Stove — Yet.
President Joe Biden must pursue deep reductions in methane from the oil and gas industry as he moves to ramp up an Obama-era pledge to cut planet-warming emissions, Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) wrote in a letter to Biden today.
Physicist Dr. Tom Sheahen: ‘Methane: The Irrelevant Greenhouse Gas’ – ‘Water vapor has already absorbed the very same infrared radiation that Methane might have absorbed’– ‘The tiny increases in methane associated with cows may elicit a few giggles, but it absolutely cannot be the basis for sane regulations or national policy.’
Study: ‘Methane emissions have a negligible impact’ on climate