‘Classic Junk Science’ Biden admin seeks ban on gas stoves based on single meta-analysis co-authored by WEF partnered climate activist group seeking ‘carbon free buildings’

Biden Admin Considers Banning Gas Stoves over Health Concerns – Used in about 40% of homes in the U.S.A federal agency may look to ban gas stoves over concern about the release of pollutants that can cause health and respiratory problems, according to a new report. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is set to open public comment on the dangers of gas stoves sometime this winter. The commission could set standards on emissions from the gas stoves, or even look to ban the manufacture or import of the appliances, commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. told Bloomberg News. “This is a hidden hazard,” Trumka told the outlet. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

Analysis: No, new study does not link gas stoves with asthma in children – ‘Classic Junk Science’Steve Milloy of JunkScience.com: “It’s not actual research. It is a meta-analysis of previously published (and ignored) studies. The authors did a literature search for previous epidemiologic studies on gas stoves and asthma in kids and then just mixed those results together. This is a bogus technique for a number of reasons, including publications bias in the component studies — i.e., studies with null results aren’t published.Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. rips gas stove fears as ‘loathing of modern society’: ‘If you really care about emissions & not politics, then focus on cooking with oils’ or using ‘candles & incense’

The study results, including the component studies, are weak statistical associations — i.e., noise range correlations.

Asthma is an allergic disease. There are no allergens in natural gas. So the study has no biological plausibility. No one knows what causes asthma in children and so competing causes could not be ruled out.


Cody Moser:Seriously? The Consumer Product Safety Commission is seriously going to consider banning gas stoves because a single meta-analysis, published without code, published without an available dataset, with a single month of peer review, that came out in a journal 19 days ago?”

The meta-analysis the Biden admin wants to ban — without a vote — has a huge undeclared conflict of interest by conflict. The climate activist group ‘carbon free buildings’ RMI or Rocky Mountain Institute is listed as one of the lead authors on the new study. 

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“No conflict of interest”

RMI’s (Rocky Mountain Institute) of Boulder, Colorado Board of Trustees features former Obama Climate Envoy Todd Stern on its board of trustees.

Todd Stern – “Program & Strategy, point trustee”  – RMI’s website explains, “Todd Stern was ‘a leading architect of the Obama administration’s international climate change strategy,’ according to Politico. Stern was appointed to the position of US Special Envoy on Climate Change on January 26, 2009, by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He was the chief US negotiator of the successful Paris Agreement.” 

In what universe is having Obama’s climate envoy Todd Stern’s affiliated group writing a study that less than three weeks later prompts talk of a federal ban on gas stoves is “no conflict of interest.” See: 2020: Still clueless after all these years: Obama’s former UN ‘climate envoy’ Todd Stern touts ‘how to put climate change at the center of U.S. foreign policy’ – Todd Stern on climate change: “The time to act is now.”

The RMI website details how the group has been “Calling out gas stoves’ health harms” since 2020. “A report by RMI, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Mothers Out Front, and Sierra Club showed that gas stoves can harm health, such as flaring kids’ asthma, in addition to contributing to global warming,” according to the website.

RMI, the co-author of the gas stove study, pushes climate fears in all of their work. “Our addiction to fossil fuels puts our planet and the people on it at risk. But this is a problem we’re committed to solving,” declares the RMI website. RMI also boasts, “We’re making a difference. HELPING CHINA ACHIEVE ITS CARBON NEUTRALITY GOAL EARLIER – CUTTING ENERGY USE IN BUILDINGSREDUCING THE CARBON FOOTPRINT OF PERSONAL MOBILITY.”

10-Year Tipping Point

RMI’s video details their climate activist agenda: “We have less than 10 years to act to avert the disastrous effects of climate change.” RMI envisions a “carbon-free grid” and seeks “to take urgent and impactful action now.”

RMI also brags about it’s partnership with China. “RMI is partnering with the government of China to help it profitably exceed national energy and emissions targets, dramatically cut its dependence on fossil fuels, and set a pathway for the developing world to follow,” the website explains.

RMI’s website also states it is “Uniting around the Paris Climate Accord.”

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Chef Andrew Gruel: “This is an overreach based on a subjective hypothesis from a bad study. More fodder in the war on gas that will hurt low-income homes and small biz.”
Rich Trumka Jr., is the Commissioner U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), appointed by President Biden in 2021. He is the son of former secretary-general of the AFL–CIO Richard L. Trumka.



Ban gas stoves to stop methane emissions?! A 2022 study found that gas stoves are constantly leaking methane, a potent greenhouse gas, even when they’re turned off…Even when gas stoves aren’t running, they annually release about 2.6 million tons of methane according to a recent study.

Have a gas stove? How to reduce pollution that may harm health: Cooking with gas stoves creates nitrogen dioxide and releases additional tiny airborne particles known as PM2.5, both of which are lung irritants. Nitrogen dioxide has been linked with childhood asthma. … Cooking and baking done with gas appliances can give off high concentrations of nitrogen dioxide.

Is Your Gas Range a Health Risk? Consumer Reports’ tests found high levels of potentially dangerous nitrogen oxide gasesBut that beloved flame also poses growing concerns, for both the health of users and of the planet.  One particular, and new, issue: nitrogen oxides, or NOx. These are gases that, outdoors, come primarily from vehicles and power plants and that can cause some of the haze associated with smog.

Climate activists want to get rid of gas stoves, whether you like it or not

Why Eco-Warriors’ Bid To Ban Natural Gas Appliances Is Wrongheaded


Biden’s Latest Move To ‘Buy’ 2024 VotesThis move will help Biden to further endear himself to the “green energy” leftists who represent one of the most significant voting blocks in the Democratic Party. 

Update: Consumer Safety Agency Says It’s Not Coming After Your Gas Stove — Yet.The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) chair has a message for America: No, we are not coming for your gas stoves. At least, not yet. A news report from Bloomberg quoting CPSC commissioner Richard Trumka saying a ban on gas stoves and ranges is “on the table” sparked an immediate backlash. Even President Joe Biden felt the need to disavow his appointee’s statement. “The president does not support banning gas stoves — and the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is independent, is not banning gas stoves,” a White House spokesperson said Wednesday. 
