‘Classic Junk Science’ Biden admin seeks ban on gas stoves based on single meta-analysis co-authored by WEF partnered climate activist group seeking ‘carbon free buildings’
Biden Admin Considers Banning Gas Stoves over Health Concerns – Used in about 40% of homes in the U.S. – A federal agency may look to ban gas stoves over concern about the release of pollutants that can cause health and respiratory problems, according to a new report. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is […]
Analysis: No, new study does not link gas stoves with asthma in children – ‘Classic Junk Science’
https://junkscience.com/2023/01/no-new-study-does-not-link-gas-stoves-with-asthma-in-children/ By Steve Milloy – JunkScience.com The new study the Consumer Product Safety Commission wants to rely on to ban gas stoves is classic junk science. Here is the study. The abstract is below. Here is a quick summary of the some of study’s principle flaws, in no particular order: It’s not actual research. It is […]