Tucker Concedes Too Much to Romm! Watch: Fox News: Host Tucker Carlson Debates Joe Romm on climate change
WRITTEN BY THOMAS RICHARD ON AUGUST 11, 2017. POSTED IN LATEST NEWS VIDEO: Tucker takes on climate activist Joe Romm On Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson grilled climate activist Joe Romm about Bill Nye’s comments that older scientists needed to “die out” so climate science could progress. Romm runs the progressive website Think Progress, which is funded by the Center […]
Think Progress Attacks NY Times For Hiring Climate ‘Denier’
By Julia A. Seymour Climate Progress founding editor Joe Romm is furious with The New York Times for hiring a person he claims is an “extreme climate science denier.” Romm was referring to Pulitzer Prize winner Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal. His rant on Think Progress against the Times included Holocaust denialism and […]
Climate activist claims: ‘Global warming’ may ‘drive record election turnout’ – Voters face ‘unusually warm temperatures’
Think Progress climate activists Joe Romm, a former Clinton Administration official, is fingering “global warming” as the key driver to a potential 2016 “record election turnout.” “The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) expects unusually warm temperatures over most of the nation to continue through election day,” Romm wrote in a October 31 article titled “Will […]
Warmist Joe Romm at ThinkProgress: Global Warming Caused Brexit
It only took four days after U.K. voters chose to leave the European Union for a liberal climate scientist and eco-activist to blame the whole event on — you guessed it — global warming. Joe Romm, a climate scientist and writer for the liberal blog ThinkProgress, wrote an article Monday arguing the so-called “Brexit” and […]
BUSTED: Claim of Greenland Warmest Temperature Record of 75°F Challenged By Data
https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2016/06/17/theres-joe-romm-and-then-theres-the-facts/ By Paul Homewood http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2016/06/15/3788651/greenland-record-globe-hottest-year/ Joe Romm has been up to his tricks again: Last Thursday, Greenland’s capital hit 75°F, which was hotter than New York City. This was the highest temperature ever recorded there in June — in a country covered with enough ice to raise sea levels more than 20 feet. It comes […]
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry on ‘Climate Hustle’: ‘Entertaining’ – ‘Morano’s interview with me was really fun’
https://judithcurry.com/2016/05/01/climate-hustle/ Let me start by discussing my take on Marc Morano, and why I agreed to be interviewed for his movie. I first heard of Marc Morano circa 2006, from Joe Romm. Romm’s take on Morano was basically that of the climate ‘anti-Christ.’ I then put ClimateDepot on my list of blogs to monitor, to […]
Claim: Time Magazine Got Global Warming Right In 2006: ‘Be Worried. Be Very Worried’
Warmist Joe Romm fumes: ‘Will John Roberts Destroy His Reputation And A Livable Climate At The Same Time?’
Warmist Joe Romm: ‘We Just Lived In The Hottest Year On Record’
OAA and NASA have announced that 2015 was by far the hottest year on record globally. In fact,NOAA reports that “2015 is Earth’s warmest year by widest margin on record.” 2015 set the record for setting records! While global temperature records are normally measured in hundredths of degrees Fahrenheit, NOAA reports 2015 crushed the previous […]
Canadian bridge splits due to extreme cold – ‘Closed indefinitely’
2016: Extreme cold causes Canadian bridge to split. 2007: ‘Global Warming’ claimed to have caused Minnesota bridge collapse http://www.torontosun.com/2016/01/10/bridge-on-trans-canada-highway-splits-amid-cold-weather TORONTO – A northern Ontario bridge that is part of the Trans-Canada Highway has been closed indefinitely, police said on Sunday, after media reports it split because of extremely cold weather. The Nipigon River Bridge, a cable-stayed […]