Warmist v. Warmist: Romm slams David Roberts’ article for being ‘filled with inaccurate and misleading statements, historical revisionism, and a fatally flawed premise’

The Really Awful Truth About Climate Change http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/05/18/3644824/really-awful-truth-about-climate-change/ Cary Grant and Irene Dunne in a scene from the movie “The Awful Truth.” (AP Photo) So Vox ran a story Friday, “The awful truth about climate change no one wants to admit” by former Grist columnist Dave Roberts. While I’m a longtime fan of Roberts, the […]

Obama Talks Climate Change in James Cameron’s Showtime Documentary

Obama Talks Climate Change in James Cameron’s Showtime Documentary http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2014/03/obama-talks-climate-change-in-james_27.html Obama Talks Climate Change in James Cameron’s Showtime Documentary”In what is likely a first for a Showtime series, the program’s content was vetted by a panel of nine climate scientists, including Joe Romm of the Center for American Progress and Climate Progress blog, Michael Oppenheimer […]