CNN’s Bill Weir on hurricane Beryl forming during hurricane season: ‘This is just the result of an overheating planet’ – Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue slams: ‘How can you be this dumb?’

Jamaica has never seen hurricanes like Beryl before according to CNN’s climate expert. How can you be this dumb? — Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) July 3, 2024     Hurricane Gilbert [1988] almost 40-years ago was the 2nd strongest hurricane in the Atlantic history, and was the costliest, most damaging recent storm in Jamaica. […]

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: Hurricane Beryl is a natural By Joe Bastardi Hurricane Beryl shows what nature can do. Is it a man-made climate change example? NO! The climate is always changing. Man’s input just may come in third in order of importance. The Le Chetileirs Principle is too often ignored by those wedded to the man-made climate narrative. No one denies the […]

Hurricane godfather Dr. Neil Frank puts record-breaking forecast into perspective – ‘Follows a multi-decadal cycle of about 60-years that cannot be linked to global warming’ By Brian Sussman The 2024 hurricane season is forecast to be a record-breaker and climate provocateurs are crowing that it’s all your fault. Your carbon-intense lifestyle is warming the global atmosphere and now the biggest storms on earth are about to intensify and wreak havoc. A prime example was heard last week on National Public Radio’s […]

New Report: Global hurricane activity NOT getting worse – ‘Neither increasing in number nor in intensity’ London, 16 April – The Global Warming Policy Foundation has today published its periodic review of global hurricane activity. The author, climate researcher Paul Homewood, says that official data is absolutely clear: hurricanes are neither increasing in number nor in intensity. Homewood says: “The observational data published by meteorological agencies in 2023 has confirmed once […]

‘Alternative Facts’: Ted Nordhaus explains how extreme events came to represent climate change contrary to an overwhelming scientific consensus BY ROGER PIELKE JR. Excerpt: …[A]n excellent new essay by Ted Nordhaus of The Breakthrough Institute2 published today by The New Atlantis, titled — Did Exxon Make it Rain Today?. Nordhaus does a nice job explaining that disasters occur at the confluence of an extreme event and an exposed and vulnerable society, but most attention these days […]

Analysis: ‘Hurricanes have not become more intense’ since 1980 based on ACE or Accumulated Cyclone Energy combining frequency & intensity By ROGER PIELKE JR. This post is co-authored with Ryan Maue, whose Weather and Climate Substack I highly recommend. —RP Excerpts: In 2012, Jessica Weinkle, Ryan Maue and I published in the Journal of Climate the first climatology of global landfalling tropical cyclones of at least hurricane strength. Since then, Ryan and I have updated the time series every […]

Wrong, ABC News, Data Refutes Strengthening Hurricanes Claim By H. Sterling Burnett The mainstream media, among them ABC News, Reuters and the New York Times, ran prominent stories claiming new research shows that Atlantic hurricanes have now become much more likely to strengthen into powerful hurricanes in a short period of time than in the past due to climate change. This is false. Whatever factors […]

Wrong, ABC News, Data Refutes Strengthening Hurricanes Claim By H. Sterling Burnett The mainstream media, among them ABC News, Reuters and the New York Times, ran prominent stories claiming new research shows that Atlantic hurricanes have now become much more likely to strengthen into powerful hurricanes in a short period of time than in the past due to climate change. This is false. Whatever factors […]

Meteorologist Ryan Maue debunks hurricane ‘intensification’ claims from Wash Post

  Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue: “Quite the media rollout for new research paper claiming to link climate change with Atlantic hurricane intensification rates. Unfortunately, the paper does not prove the climate change causation link. Comparing Atlantic storms from two 20-year periods: 1971-1990 vs. 2001-2020, simply conflates very well-known multidecadal variability in the Atlantic, e.g. inactive […]