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Greta Thunberg Lashes Out at Deep Green World Leaders by Eric Worrall Greens eating their own – can anybody ever be green enough for Greta? Mocking Biden’s build back better; Greta Thunberg mocks Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ climate plan Dylan Stableford·Senior Writer Sat, September 25, 2021, 2:20 AM Speaking at a climate rally in Berlin on Friday, Greta Thunberg mocked President Biden’s attempt to […]

Watch: Morano & James Taylor debate GOP climate activists at FreedomFest CFACT exposes climate Quislings at FreedomFest By Craig Rucker There is a concerted effort underway by global warming campaigners to infiltrate the conservative and libertarian movements. These alarmists in freedom’s clothing operate like the so-called “Lincoln Project.” They shamelessly parrot the Left and advance its agenda. CFACT and the Heartland Institute took on two of […]

Greta Thunberg: You Kill Fish! ‘What About Their Thoughts and Feelings?’ By  Ben Johnson • Jun 7, 2021 • Facebook Twitter Mail Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has reemerged into the public view with a series of new, viral videos chiding Americans that they must profoundly alter virtually every aspect of their lives, or the world will run out of resources before turning into […]

‘We are f*’: Greta Thunberg now targets your food production ‘The next pandemic could be much, much worse’ – Claims switching to plant-based diet could save up to 8 billions tons of CO2 annually HEALTH MONEY POLITICS U.S. WND NEWS CENTER WORLDWND VIDEO‘We are f***ed’: Greta Thunberg now targets your food production‘The next pandemic could be much, much worse’Joe Kovacs By Joe KovacsPublished May 23, 2021 at 5:32pmShareGab Greta Thunberg lobbies for a change in the way food is produced on May 22, 2021. (Video screenshot) She’s known […]

Global Surface Temperatures Plummet 0.75°C Since 2016 Greta Hasn’t Seen April Warming In Her Life. Global Surface Temperatures Plummet 0.75°C Since 2016 By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin The April, 2021, mean temperature data collected by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has been tabulated and are ready to be added to our monthly plots. Today we look at the April mean temperature […]

Greta Thunberg blasts John Kerry for claiming ‘50% of CO2 reductions needed…will come from technologies that have not yet been invented’ By Christian Spencer Greta Thunberg responded on Twitter to comments John Kerry made about technology’s role in combating climate change. Thunberg compared Kerry’s statements to the Marvel Avengers. Kerry cited scientific advice on how technological advances will reduce carbon emissions. Environmental activist Greta Thunberg is speaking out against John Kerry, after an interview in […]

Greta Thunberg’s Earth Day testimony was pretty revealing By JOHN SEXTON Maybe you heard that climate activist Greta Thunberg testified before Congress on Earth Day. In her prepared remarks, she said “We have to end fossil fuel subsidies, stop new exploration and extraction, completely divest from fossil fuels and keep the carbon in the ground.” But she was pessimistic as […]

Why did the EU invite Greta Thunberg and not Nobel Prize winner William Nordhaus? From CLINTEL Press release by the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) Essay “Undue Climate Haste” 21 April 2021 Optimum economic outturn is seen at 3.5 degrees Celsius of warming in 2100 Mortality due to extreme weather decreased spectacularly The EU has decided it wants to achieve net zero carbon emission by 2050. If they […]