Celebrate primitive darkness?! Lights around the world are turning off for ‘Earth Hour’
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/earth-hour-2019-lights-around-the-world-are-turning-off-for-earth-hour-to-help-save-the-planet-today-2019-03-30/ BY SOPHIE LEWIS UPDATED ON: MARCH 30, 2019 / 1:40 PM / CBS NEWS It may be darker than usual in your neighborhood tonight, but don’t be alarmed. People around the world are participating in a movement called Earth Hour. Every year, people turn their lights off to spread awareness about sustainability and climate change. This year, Earth […]
EarthHour: largest global movement for environment. ‘Millions participate’ and like every carbon scheme, nothing happens
Star Trek’s William Shatner promotes ‘Earth Hour’ darkness – But he is rebuked by Forces of Light
Earth Hour is upon us again. (Link) The night where people around the world are asked to turn off the lights, electronics, and modern appliances in order to commune with the Earth in its natural state. Hollywood has enthusiastically got involved. But Earth Hour is being met with calls for a “carbon belch” and “power […]
Earth hour is tonight – Don’t turn off lights – Instead turn them on! Celebrate what electricity has done for mankind
This excellent essay on the Earth Hour event, to be held tonight at 8:30PM is every local time zone. Earth Hour is a testament to stupidity, in my opinion, and deserves to be mocked. North Korea reminds us what it is like to like in darkness, both politically, and in energy poverty. North Korea reminds us […]
Fight the forces of darkness, celebrate PowerHour Tonight! Turn on the lights!
Remember EarthHour? Tonight is the night to rejoice in electricity from 8.30-9:30pm. Some of those fossil fuels have been waiting for 100 million years to return to the sky. Things you can do: Turn on all the lights you can find — Put on the party lights, the patio light, the pool light, the mozzie […]
Earth Hour: Hey, Let’s Live Like We’re In Venezuela
COMMENTARY Earth Hour: Hey, Let’s Live Like We’re In Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela: A mother with her children are walking past a man searching for food in waste in the street of Caracas. Every hour is “Earth Hour” in Caracas and other socialist “paradises.”(Polaris/Newscom) KERRY JACKSON 3/27/2017 Reprints Has there ever been in the history of […]
Earth Hour in 3D: Dim, Dark and Dopey
World Wide Fund for Nature (Australia) is gearing up for its tenth idiotic Earth Hour at 8.30pm on Saturday, March 25. Once again it will be urging people to turn off lights (but not fridges, freezers, TVs, dishwashers, computers, aircons and smart-phones). If WWF is aware that satellite data shows no atmospheric warming for the […]
Vatican Basilica Switches Lights Off for ‘Earth Hour’ to Protest Climate Change
It was ‘Earth Hour’, celebrate energy!
It’s Earth Hour tonight, celebrate energy! http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/03/19/its-earth-hour-tonight-celebrate-energy/ Normally I write a blog post far in advance for this . This year due to it being so “high profile” in the news,,I simply forgot. Oh well. My sister is celebrating it at her house by making full use of incandescent lighting. Dr. Roy Spencer nores this […]