This year, Earth Hour takes place on March 30 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time. Supporters can sign a pledge to decrease their environmental footprint by taking part in the blackout, and share their experience on social media using the hashtags #Connect2Earth.
Earth Hour was first started by the World Wildlife Fund — the leading organization in wildlife conservation and endangered species — in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. WWF encouraged millions of people to switch their lights off for one hour to support climate change action.
Since then, the movement has grown globally and is now the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment.
Landmarks including Big Ben in London, Egypt’s Great Pyramids, Brazil’s Christ the Redeemer statue, the Sydney Opera House, the Colosseum in Rome, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Burj Khalifa in Dubai and New York City’s Empire State Building have all taken part in going dark.