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Earth Day activists weaponize coronavirus pandemic – ‘Morano cites 30 examples of excited commentary from Al Gore, the UN, and PBS to name a few’ Excerpt: “The coronavirus pandemic does not shut us down. Instead, it reminds us of what’s at stake in our fight for the planet. If we don’t demand change to transform our planet and meet our climate crisis, our current state will become the new normal,” counsels It presents an opportunity to re-brand the […]

Michael Moore Unveils ‘Planet of the Humans’: ‘How Would They Know When It’s Their Time to Go?’ By Craig Bannister | April 21, 2020 | 2:41pm EDT On Tuesday, the eve of the 50th annual Earth Day, millionaire environmental activist/filmmaker Michael Moore unveiled “Planet of the Humans,” a documentary attacking, not only fossil fuels and carbon emissions, but also those who seek to profit from green energy. The film, making vague illusions to […]

Eco-Reality Strikes Back: Earth Day at 50 By Steve Milloy As climate bedwetters hyperventilate about the state of the environment for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, reality strikes back. Here is my summary of the state of our environment. [Note: Image clipped from the cover/title of Iain Murray’s 2008 book] Eco-Reality Strikes Back: Earth Day At 50 By Steve Milloy, […]

Watch: Morano on TV on Earth Day or ‘Pagan Easter’ & NYT touted study on Morano on Study touted by NYT: ‘Global Wealth Gap’ caused by climate change – It’s all ‘about wealth redistribution’

  Watch: (beings at 1 hour 2 minutes into video) The Brett Winterble Show (04/23/2019) – Newsmax TV Auto Generated Transcript:  Brett Winterble: We’ll get into that straight ahead but first let me welcome back to the program he is our very good friend, he is Marc Morano The Day After Earth Day. I like […]

Celebrate Every Failed Alarmist Eco-Prediction: 18 Spectacularly Wrong Earth Day Predictions Happy Earth Day! When We Celebrate Every Failed Alarmist Prediction Nicolas Loris, Bangor Daily News, 22 April 2019 This Earth Day, it almost feels like we should be carving some turkey. Why? Because we have a lot to be thankful for since the first Earth Day event occurred 49 years ago. We should be […]

Activists Melt Down After Trump Leaves ‘Climate Change’ Out Of His Earth Day Message President Donald Trump’s Earth Day message Monday does not mention climate change but does tout American jobs and the U.S. economy. Trump’s message touted the president’s land management reforms and efforts to protect the U.S. water supply. “On this day, we reaffirm our responsibility to protect God’s wondrous creation for future generations,” the president […]

Watch: Morano on TV on Earth Day hypocrites

By EZRA LEVANT REBEL COMMANDER= On last night’s show, Climate Depot founder Marc Morano joined me to discuss Earth Day and the inevitable environmental virtue signaling that followed. This year, celebrities like Jared Leto are asking Lyft riders to round up their fares to the nearest dollar and donate the difference to the World Wildlife Fund. Lyft is a ridesharing app, like Uber, that […]