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Watch: 2 Hour interview of Marc Morano – Talks 97% Consensus, Green New Deal, COVID/Climate/Great Reset – w/ Patrick Bet-David

Worlds #1 Climate Contrarian – Marc Morano | PBD Podcast | Ep. 157 PBD Podcast Episode 157. In this Valuetainment episode, Patrick Bet-David is joined by Adam Sosnick and Marc Morano Check out Climate Depot: Pre-order Marc’s upcoming book The Great Reset: You can purchase Marc’s book ‘Green Fraud’ here: Check out […]

Twitter bans ‘misleading’ ads about climate change – The announcement came on Earth Day Twitter levied a new ban today on “misleading” advertisements “that contradict the scientific consensus on climate change.” “We believe that climate denialism shouldn’t be monetized on Twitter, and that misrepresentative ads shouldn’t detract from important conversations about the climate crisis,” the company said in a blog post today. “MISREPRESENTATIVE ADS SHOULDN’T DETRACT FROM IMPORTANT CONVERSATIONS ABOUT […]

Daily Caller features CFACT’s Morano in warmist climate documentary By Adam Houser The Daily Caller has premiered a new climate change documentary titled “The Conservative Climate Conundrum.” The film features Benji Backer, president of the American Conservation Coalition (ACC), who according to the Daily Caller, “interviews both climate scientists and climate change deniers to understand what climate science actually says and why that matters for conservatives.” […]

Lord Monckton rebuts the ‘fact-checkers’ on climate: ‘Climate Feedback is one slimy tentacle’ in efforts to silence dissent

Special to Climate Depot  Poynter Institute: [email protected] Gentles,   20 April 2022 Complaint of breach of Poynter Institute principles on the part of the far-Left “Climate Feedback” propaganda website The “Climate Feedback” propaganda website alleges that you have certified its compliance with your “fact-checking” “principles”. “Climate Feedback” is one slimy tentacle in a writhing network […]

Court orders University of California to release records showing academics ‘going after climate denialism’ in coordination with state & local prosecutors. By Christin Nielsen Apr 15, 2022 LOS ANGELES (Legal Newsline) – A California court has ordered the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) to release records showing academics “going after climate denialism” in coordination with state and local prosecutors. The decision by the Superior Court of California for the County of Los Angeles was made […]

Alex Epstein: How I stopped The Washington Post from canceling me By publicly preempting an intended “racism” hit-piece and enlisting influential allies, I turned a potential “cancellation” of me and Fossil Future into widespread position attention. By Alex Epstein Two weeks ago, I wrote here about The Washington Post’s plan to cancel me and Fossil Future: Yesterday I woke up to find out from my publicist that The Washington […]

Pinterest Puts Free Speech on Ice: Announces Ban on So-Called Climate ‘Misinformation’ By Catherine Salgado Pinterest is full of hot air and looking to chill free speech. The digital platform has announced new restrictions against alleged climate “misinformation,” after partnering with openly biased, pro-censorship organizations. A Pinterest spokesperson gave a vague description about the new action, telling MRC Free Speech America, “Fighting misinformation is complex and […]

The Permanent Pandemic: WHO seeks greater future powers via International Treaty – Gives WHO power to censor health information worldwide The Chilling Reason They Won’t Declare the Pandemic Over? By Joseph Mercola March 30, 2022 Updated: March 31, 2022 Excerpt: “Coming off the back of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization is proposing a new pandemic treaty they’re hoping will be accepted by enough member countries to become a reality by 2024.” The pandemic treaty […]