77% of Democrat Voters Blame L.A. Fires on Climate Change – But, That’s Not What the Science Says


By Craig Bannister

Prompted by liberal media and far-left Democrat politicians, three fourths of Democrat voters believe that climate change caused the fires ravaging Los Angeles – but, that’s not what the science suggests.

On Tuesday, Rasmussen released the results of a new national survey of U.S. likely voters, in which it asked the following question:

“How likely is it that the recent wildfire in Los Angeles, California, was caused by climate change?”

Notably, the survey question did not ask about “man-made” climate change, but simply about the Earth’s constantly changing climate, which may have affected how voters responded.

Fully 77% of Democrat voters said they think it’s likely that climate change caused the fire, including nearly half (45%) who believe it’s “very likely.”

Liberal legacy media, such as MSNBC and CNN, have colluded to forcefully push the narrative that climate change caused the Los Angeles fires. Leftist politicians have also insisted that climate change caused the fires. For example, Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) said Tuesday that a person would have to be “a moron” to think climate change wasn’t the culprit.

While the strong conviction of Democrats pulled the percent of all U.S. likely voters who said it’s at least somewhat likely up to a 53% majority, less than half of Republican (36%) and Other (46%) voters agreed climate change is to blame.

However, many scientists, geologists, meteorologists and studies have found that climate change does not cause, and is not connected to, fires. A small sampling of stories reporting these findings published by ClimateDepot.com is presented below:

US Geological Survey scientist Jon Keeley: ‘L.A. Fires Not The Result Of Climate Change’ –
Scrubland plant ‘fires have been around for at least 20 million years. What’s changed is we have people on the landscape’

2021 Study found: ‘100% of all [Santa Ana] fires are the result of human ignitions, either intentionally or accidentally’ – 
Study found ‘higher temperatures’ & ‘precipitation…did not appear to play a substantial role’ in fires

Data refutes Sen. Sanders’ claim that California wildfires linked to the ‘existential crisis’ of ‘climate change’

Meteorologist Anthony Watts: ‘No, Mainstream Media, Climate Change Isn’t to Blame for California’s Wildfires’

Tony Heller: Pacific Palisades was largely destroyed by fires in 1938 & 1961 – Plus media chronicles of 19th-century LA fires – 

‘The climate we now have’ is no different from the climate of the past

You are being conned: Data, studies & UN IPCC all reveal Canadian fires not due to ‘climate change’ – ‘There has been a significant & continuing decline in the number of fires’

Dr. Roger Pielke Jr: What the media won’t tell you about … Wildfires – ‘Wildfires used to be much more extensive in past centuries’

Bjorn Lomborg: Climate alarmists falsely claim the world is literally on fire – Satellites reveal global area burned annually has trended downward in past 2 decades

Lomborg on Global wildfires

