CRAZY NANCY: "Mother Earth gets angry from time to time, and this legislation will help us address all of that."
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 13, 2022
Flashback Climate Depot Report: Global warming religion advances: ‘Sin, guilt, tithes, penance, punishment, sacrifice, and now we have the sacred peer-reviewed scriptures’ – Climate Depot’s Exclusive Round up of Religion climate claims – ‘The global warming cult wants to criminalize non-belief in their CO2-centric religion. Mankind as center of the universe’
“The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” book excerpt:
Scholarly studies confirm that witch trials were on the upswing during the Little Ice Age. According to a 2012 Live Science article, “Historical records indicate that, worldwide, witch hunts occur more often during cold periods, possibly because people look for scapegoats to blame for crop failures and general economic hardship. Fitting the pattern, scholars argue that cold weather may have spurred the infamous Salem witch trials in 1692.” …
Princeton Professor Emeritus of Physics William Happer in 2017 drew parallels to today’s man-made climate change claims. “I don’t see a whole lot of difference between the consensus on climate change and the consensus on witches. At the witch trials in Salem the judges were educated at Harvard. This was supposedly 100 percent science. The one or two people who said there were no witches were immediately hung. Not much has changed,” Happer quipped. …
Salem State University historian Emerson Baker’s research agrees with Oster’s findings. “A harsh New England winter really may have set the stage for accusations of witchcraft,” noted a Live Science analysis of Baker’s research. The bad weather may have helped stir up the population’s psychological state into a full-blown mass hysteria.
Today, ‘politicians now take a more subtle approach to human sacrifice. By raising energy prices, they can freeze people to death silently in their homes, which has the same effect of appeasing the CO2 gods’
But in a speech to US Catholic business leaders, Dr Pell said Western democracy was also suffering a crisis of confidence as evidenced by the decline in fertility rates. “Pagan emptiness” and Western fears of the uncontrollable forces of nature had contributed to “hysteric and extreme claims” about global warming.
“In the past, pagans sacrificed animals and even humans in vain attempts to placate capricious and cruel gods. Today they demand a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.”
Reality Check:
“Dr. Roger Pielke ran the numbers and found that, even if it achieved Biden’s 50% emissions-reduction target for 2030, which it almost certainly won’t, the impact on overall global emissions would be nearly unmeasurable.”
Climate Depot’s Morano comments: Biden is pushing for utterly meaningless climate-based emission reductions of CO2 that would have no potential impact on the climate — and even if fully achieved, would have no impact on global emissions! All of this as we further hammer America. Biden should have listened to his climate envoy John Kerry has admitted this publicly several times.
Pelosi Inflation Act: ‘Mother Earth Gets Angry From Time To Time, And This Legislation Will Help Us Address All Of That’ – by Jeff Dunetz – On Friday, the Communist-led Democrat-led House of Representatives passed the $740 billion boondoggle known as the “Inflation Reduction Act,” which will do just about everything BUT reduce inflation. Not only will inflation continue to rise, but so will our taxes. And let’s not forget the 87,000 armed IRS agents that will harass and hound Americans to kingdom come. There’s also $369 million allocated for “green energy,” which is just another Marxist slush fund. Fortunately, not a single Republican voted for this steaming pile of fetid garbage. And that didn’t sit too well with Pelosi, who not only attacked Republicans but falsely claimed they voted “against the planet.” We’re not kidding. Pelosi inflation act Then she invoked “Mother Earth” and claimed the bill would appease the mythical goddess. “How can they vote against the planet?” Pelosi said. “Mother Earth! Mother Earth gets angry from time to time, and this legislation will help us address all of that.”
World Economic Forum claims Biden/Manchin. bill promotes ‘climate-smart agriculture’ – Is that what we call Sri Lanka & the Netherlands?!
Does that mean Bill Gates & China buy up all of your farmland?!
AOL News: Senators Manchin, and Schumer report an abrupt deal on health, energy, taxes – “Measure would raise $739 billion over 10 years in revenue, the biggest chunk coming from a 15% corporate minimum tax. It would spend $369 billion on energy and climate initiatives.”
NYT: “The plan would raise most of its new tax revenue, an estimated $313 billion, by imposing a minimum tax on the so-called book income of large corporations, like Amazon and FedEx, that currently use tax credits and other maneuvers to reduce their tax rates below the 21 percent corporate income tax rate in the United States.”
Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: “Manchin caved to utter climate nitwittery that has real consequences for the U.S. economy currently being starved of energy by a wacko ideology that is dominant within the Democratic Party. This is a bad day on Capitol Hill for America. More spending, more debt, more nonsensical scientific claims about how a pork barrel federal spending bill will somehow alter the geologic history of the Earth. Sen. Manchin held strong against the climate agenda — until he didn’t. Does Manchin’s support for this climate bill mean the Earth will not have a geologic era called the Manchin-cene?!” See: Flashback Morano: ‘We’ve reached peak climate insanity’ as Sen. Manchin kills Biden’s bill – ‘Completely unhinged’ activists claim a pork barrel fed spending bill will alter Earth’s geologic history!
Broadcast July 16, 2022 – Fox News Channel
Morano: “The New York Times quoted a University of California professor who said she was ‘sobbing’ at this news. (Dr. Leah C. Stokes on Twitter: “Manchin says he won’t support the climate bill. I’m holding my children and sobbing.” – Also see:Flashback: Crying over ‘climate change’ – Tears, sobbing, & ‘climate grief’ is an actual thing for activists – Special Report
Morano: Sen. Chuck Schumer is ‘shell-shocked’. The House Budget Committee Chairman said ‘we’re all going to die’. We have a climate activist Bill McKibben actually saying that Joe Manchin’s name is going to be a geologic era in the Earth — that Manchin is altering the geologic history of the earth. They are completely unhinged because one politician is not going to support a pork barrel spending bill, which they somehow think is going to save the planet. Just another pork barrel spending bill in Washington somehow has this power. We’ve reached peak climate insanity.”
Green energy transition so worth it?! Morano: “I liken it to they compare the climate crisis to having cancer and the green energy transition, the Green New Deal is their version of chemotherapy. Yeah, you’re gonna be sick, you’re gonna be vomiting, you’re gonna be laid up, but just when you get to the other side of that, you’re gonna be cancer free or in this case, climate crisis-free. So in their minds, this is the necessary bitter medicine that we have to go through — that the Netherlands is going through. What Sri Lanka is going through. What Germany and England are going through, as they’re facing blackouts and energy shortages and economic devastation and inflation.”
NYT: Leah Stokes, a professor of environmental policy at the University of California Santa Barbara who has advised congressional Democrats on climate legislation, sobbed on Thursday night as she described the months of work she and other activists, scientists and legislative staff had poured into negotiations. “The stakes are so high,” she said. “It’s just infuriating that he is condemning our own children.”
Thank you, Sen. Manchin! Manchin: “I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation…This is a no,” Manchin said.
And apparently – only American fossil fuels etc can be pollutants.
Once we sell our Strategic Reserve oil to China – it becomes – magically- carbon neutral.
And the hundreds of coal fired power plants China and India are building are "Clean energy"— Ralph Kern (Ceithearn) (@7wolfman_kern) August 13, 2022
Ah yes Nature worship. We've regressed right back to the dawn of man. Ironically Pelosi may well be the only person who was there the last time around.
— David Foord (@DavidJFoord) August 13, 2022
While sane people laugh at this, it is the perfect formulation for people who have adopted climate alarmism, with all its symbols, rituals, and arcane dogma, as their state religion.
— Cruadin (@cruadin) August 13, 2022