Michigan Democrat Senator brags about driving expensive electric car to DC, avoiding gas stations amid historic prices
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-democrat-electric-car-expensive-dc-gas-prices By Jessica Chasmar | Fox News Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., on Tuesday bragged about buying an expensive electric vehicle amid a global semiconductor chip shortage and being able to bypass historically high gas prices on her road trip to Washington, D.C. Stabenow briefly weighed in on gas prices, which hit a national average of $4.94 per gallon Tuesday, during Treasury […]
Analysis: Why we really DON’T need to eat less meat to save the planet
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10900835/Why-really-dont-need-eat-meat-save-plane.html By SAM TONKIN and JONATHAN CHADWICK and SOPHIE CURTIS FOR MAILONLINE Getting people to eat less meat is a ‘fantasy’ and the focus should instead be on finding futuristic ways of slashing greenhouse gases in farming to save the planet, a leading expert has claimed. Professor Mick Watson, who specialises in methane reduction strategies in cattle, told MailOnline that […]
Joe Biden now pushes: Drill, baby, drill! Accuses oil companies of not drilling because ‘they make more money not producing more oil’
https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/joe-biden-drill-baby-drill/comments?s=r Yes, that there is the world’s most powerful Democrat (okay, at least top 20, he is nominally the President) telling ExxonMobil and the gang to go get ‘Merica more oil. Now! Fossil fuels: only a problem until you don’t have them.
Greenland’s Summers Surprisingly Cooling Over Past Decade…Driven By Natural Oceanic Cycles
https://notrickszone.com/2022/06/12/greenlands-summers-surprisingly-cooling-over-past-decade-driven-by-natural-oceanic-cycles/ By P Gosselin Science Daily here reports: “Climate changes in the tropical Pacific have temporarily put the brakes on rapid warming and ice melting in Greenland.“ Science Daily adds: “A puzzling, decade-long slowdown in summer warming across Greenland has been explained by researchers at Hokkaido University in Japan. Their observational analysis and computer simulations revealed that […]
https://electroverse.net/argentinas-coldest-autumn-since-1976-blizzards-sweep-tasmania-new-zealands-best-june-snow/ By CAP ALLON ARGENTINA’S COLDEST AUTUMN SINCE 1976… Argentina has been in the grips of a fierce Antarctic blast in recent weeks, one that is showing few signs of abating. May 2022 finished colder than average across the country, with some northern locales suffering -3C below the multidecadal norm. The month was also drier […]
Analysis: ‘The pretense that ending fossil fuel use would come at no cost’ is OVER – ‘A long-duped public will never support so-called ‘green’ policies again
https://consciousnessofsheep.co.uk/2022/06/09/greens-unlikely-to-survive-the-coming-winter/ Key excerpts: For as long as climate change was off in the distant future, governments have been able to trade warm words for concrete action. In a similar vein, a certain kind of green politician has been able to trade on the pretense that ending fossil fuel use would come at no cost…At the […]
The U.S. is still importing Russian oil despite the ban, report says
https://www.fastcompany.com/90760216/the-u-s-is-still-importing-russian-oil-despite-the-ban-report-says BY ADELE PETERS Less than two weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, the U.S. banned the import of Russian fossil fuels like oil and natural gas—a major source of funding for the war. But as the war drags on, some Russian oil is still making it to the United States, according to a new report that tracks […]
Biden shocked, shocked to discover investors disinterested in oil industry Biden demonizes
https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2022/06/13/renault-award-biden-shocked-shocked-to-discover-investors-disinterested-in-oil-industry-biden-demonizes-n475878 By ED MORRISSEY Joe Biden should get a lifetime Captain Louis Renault Award if this report from the Financial Times is accurate. First off, let’s again recall Campaign Joe Biden on oil drilling and extraction: And if people think that was only for the Democratic primaries, Biden later declared in his final debate with Donald Trump that his policy would […]