Biden on tornadoes: ‘We all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming’ – Reality Check: Big tornadoes down 50% since 1954

Biden addresses tornadoes, says ‘we all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming’

by Brett T.

OK, we’re going to cut President Joe Biden a little bit of slack here. First of all, it looks like he didn’t bring up climate change during remarks about the tornadoes that ripped through the South and Midwest Friday night; a reporter (of course) asked him about it. He also seemed to take a wait-and-see stance, although he couldn’t maintain it, eventually saying that global warming makes all weather disasters more intense.

Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.:  “But none of that justifies making obviously false claims about the state of current science, even if made in support of a worthy cause by someone I voted for.”



Geologist Gregory Wrightstone: Joe Biden spins tornado misinformation


Watch: Morano in rare climate debate vs. Biden surrogate on ‘Unfiltered With Dan Bongino’ on Fox News – Dems using ‘bad weather events to lobby for political goals’
