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Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer in 2019: ‘Recent Tornadoes are Due to Unusually COLD Weather’ – To claim ‘global warming’ as cause for tornadoes ‘is directly opposite to the clear observational evidence’ Reposting this 2019 blog post by Dr. Roy Spencer. May 29th, 2019 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. I had an op-ed published at yesterday describing the reason why we have had so many tornadoes this year. The answer is the continuing cold weather stretching from Michigan through Colorado […]

Biden blames Kentucky tornado damage on ‘climate change’ to score political points – Ignores science & history A more scientific approach comes from Watts Up With That’s “Everything Climate” site which shows, using actual data, that tornadoes, in fact, “are getting less dangerous.” This historical tornado data, show that the number of all categories of tornadoes has been declining for the past 45 years and the number of strong tornadoes, F3 or higher, has been dramatically declining for the past […]

FEMA boss claims Kentucky tornadoes will be the ‘new normal’ because of climate change – Calls it ‘the crisis of our generation’ FEMA chief Deanne Criswell blamed Kentucky tornadoes on climate change ‘This is going to be our new normal,’ she said of worse extreme weather Biden has made similar remarks suggesting climate change is to blame Scientists stress impact of climate change on specific storms is hard to gauge But tornadoes appear to be moving […]

Biden linking tornadoes to ‘climate change’ called ‘utter bullsh*t’ – ‘Directly opposite to the clear observational evidence’ – Dec tornadoes not rare – Tornadoes blamed on global cooling in 1970s

Actor Mark Ruffalo chimed in on tornadoes: “This is what #ClimateCatastrophe looks like. It’s only going to get worse from here. Now is time to fight for our suffering and despairing youth.” # Biden uses tornado tragedy to further climate agenda: But ‘data shows that these winter tornadoes are not becoming more frequent’ – Climate […]

Geologist Gregory Wrightstone: Joe Biden spins tornado misinformation By Gregory Wrightstone – December 12, 2021 President Joe Biden wasted no time in politicizing the recent tornado tragedy that claimed nearly 100 lives in Kentucky, Illinois, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Missouri. Speaking less than 24 hours after the devastation of communities and lives, Biden linked the storms to man-made climate change. “All I know […]

UN biodiversity webinar plans new financial shakedown of private sector By Adam Houser  Red rover, red rover, send more climate finance money over! That was more or less the message from the webinar hosted by the United Nation’s (UN) Convention on Biological Diversity this week. The official name of the session was “Aligning financial flows with the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework,” a fancy way of […]

Biden on tornadoes: ‘We all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming’ – Reality Check: Big tornadoes down 50% since 1954 Biden addresses tornadoes, says ‘we all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming’ by Brett T. OK, we’re going to cut President Joe Biden a little bit of slack here. First of all, it looks like he didn’t bring up climate change during remarks about the tornadoes that ripped through the South […]