Listen: Morano on Sean Hannity’s nationally syndicated radio show – Talks Biden’s climate agenda with Meteorologist Joe Bastardi

Broadcast January 28, 2021

The Sean Hannity Show

Sean Hannity: Marc Morano, author of Green Fraud on the Green New Deal.

Weaponizing Weather

Marc Morano, author of Green Fraud, just out, hits the fraud of the Green New Deal, and Joe Bastardi, of and author of the book, The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate War. With the left pushing for the strongest green efforts in our history.

The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse than You Think Hardcover – March 23, 2021


Related Links:

Watch: ‘Hannity’ Fox News Panel Deconstructs Climate Change ‘Lunacy’ – Morano: Climate claims have reached ‘Absurd Medieval Witchcraft’ level

Listen: Morano debates climate activist on Sean Hannity’s national radio show – Warmist seeks to ban climate dissent

Watch: Morano on Hannity on Fox News: Green New Deal is a ‘solution’ recycled from past eco-scares – ‘It’s always a different environmental scare, the same solution’

Listen Now: Morano in heated debate with warmist on Hannity Radio show – Morano: ‘You are talking anecdotal claptrap’

Watch Now: Hannity on Fox News features exclusive clips of ‘Climate Hustle’: First Time Broadcast of Select Clips
