Watch Now: Hannity on Fox News features exclusive clips of ‘Climate Hustle’: First Time Broadcast of Select Clips

Hannity: “A new documentary called Climate Hustle takes aim at many of the global warming alarmists and debunks much of their so-called science.” Here is a clip of the film. [Show Climate Hustle clip showing that no matter the weather, ‘global warming’ is blamed as the cause.]

Hannity: “The film even goes after Lear Jet Liberal Al Gore. Watch this.” [Hannity then shows 2nd clip featuring Climate Statistician Dr. Caleb Rossiter and Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack former chair of the Earth Sciences Dept. at the University of Pennsylvania, critiquing Al Gore’s film ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’]

(Background: Skeptical Climate Documentary Set to Rock UN Climate Summit – ‘Climate Hustle’ To Have Red Carpet Premiere in Paris)

Hannity: “The publisher of Climate Depot and the producer of Climate Hustle, Marc Morano is with us.”

Morano:  “The goal of these UN climate conferences has nothing to do with science. They actually say even if we are wrong on the science, we are doing the right thing by policy.”

Hannity: “First it was the coming ice age, then it was earth is going to burn up and global warming and now they have climate change. As you pointed out in Climate Hustle, if it snows, if it doesn’t snow, if it rains, if it doesn’t rain, tsunami no tsunami, volcanic activity or not. It’s always climate change, no matter what it is!”

Morano: “Yes. In our film Climate Hustle, we go back to the 1970s. We have Walter Cronkite, ABC News, and Leonard Nimoy — warning of a coming ice age. And we say: ‘Before fossil fuels caused global warming, fossil fuels caused – global cooling. And there was actually the theory that fossil fuel burning was going to block out the sun and cool the earth [in the 1970s]. But now they say the 1970s global cooling scare never happened. Just like they are trying to erase the global warming ‘pause’ never happened. They are actually erasing the past on many important things.”

Morano on Obama’s speech from UN summit: “It was like an apocalyptic doom preacher trying to scare people with no basis in science. The idea that ISIS was created by man-made global warming because there was a drought in Syria is not based on science. In 1933, the government of Syria banned Yo-Yos because they thought they caused drought. And now modern day climate activists want to ban SUVs and coal plants because they think they cause droughts. By the way, droughts, extreme weather, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes — we detail this in Climate Hustle — not only are they not increasing, on many metrics they are declining. So when CO2 was lower in the atmosphere, we had MORE storminess. So the idea that cutting CO2 is going to improve our climate and have anything to do with national security — is laughable.”

Geraldo Rivera on Obama claiming ‘global warming’ was biggest problem: I think Trump nailed it. Here in Paris of all places, the blood is barely off the sidewalks from where people were killed. The [UN climate] conference was as lame as anything it could possibly be.”

Hannity to Morano: “Good luck with the film.”


Hannity, Geraldo, Morano

Related Links: 

Watch: Morano on Fox News w/ Cavuto: ‘Climate Hustle is going to turn the tables on the entire global warming movement’


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