RIP: Retired NASA Scientist Hal Doiron, a climate skeptic & a member of the team that developed the Apollo Lunar Module landing software Via Heartland Institute: Hal Doiron passed away on April 28, 2020. Doiron was the retired vice president for engineering of InDyne, Inc. As a young physicist, he joined NASA-Houston in 1963 and developed the Apollo Lunar Module landing dynamics software used to guide landing gear design for toppling stability and energy absorption performance, to […]
Climate Activists Want Michael Moore’s Doc Panning Green Energy Banned, Say It’s Chock Full Of Misinformation By Chris White Anti-fossil fuel activists unsuccessfully attempted to lobby to remove Michael Moore’s documentary panning green energy over claims that it contains pro-oil industry misinformation. Activist Josh Fox, climate scientist Michael Mann and other environmentalists signed onto a petition Friday asking the producer to take down “Planet of the Humans,” saying Moore’s film relies on old data […]
Corona Crisis: Federation Of German Industry Calls On EU To Review Unilateral 2030 Climate Goals GWPF Newsletter 28/04/20 Corona Crisis Federation Of German Industry Calls On EU To Review Unilateral 2030 Climate Goals Renewable Energy Loses Steam As Asian Nations Scale Back Subsidies 1) Corona Crisis: Federation Of German Industry Calls On EU To Review Unilateral 2030 Climate Goals Federation of German Industry (BDI), 27 April 2020 2) Post-Pandemic: Europe’s Choice […]
Watch: Morano on Ezra Levant TV on Michael Moore’s surprising film exposing the green energy con On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show (click here to subscribe!), Marc Morano of Climate Depot called in to talk about why the film is so successful at uncovering the major players in the green energy scam. You can watch the documentary on YouTube by clicking here. Michael Moore sees the green energy scam for exactly what it is: Marc Morano […]
Polar Ice Surprises! Svalbard Well Over Average, Arctic Ice Remains Steady, Antarctic Ice Growing By P Gosselin Polar ice showing longer term stability. No basis for behind claims of a rapid melt. By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin We keep hearing how the ice at the poles is supposedly disappearing rapidly, yet a look at the latest data show this is not the case. Polar ice has remained steady for […]
Michael Moore: Coronavirus ‘Should Act as a Warning from Mother Nature’ that ‘our behavior is not appreciated’ By DAVID NG Documentary filmmaker and left-wing activist Michael Moore is the latest entertainment figure to use the Chinese coronavirus pandemic to hold forth on the environment, claiming that the outbreak is Mother Nature’s way of saying that she doesn’t like the way we have treated the planet. Michael Moore claimed in a recent […]
Al Gore: ‘Climate Crisis and the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Linked’ By JEFF POOR 27 Apr 20202,569 3:22 According to former Vice President Al Gore, there is a link between global warming and the current coronavirus pandemic. Gore, during an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, argued other emissions from fossil fuels besides carbon dioxide, were responsible for “preconditions” that are increasing the risk of the […]
New Northern Hemisphere Temperature Reconstructions Are Devoid Of Michael Mann-Like Hockey Sticks By Kenneth Richard New paleoclimate records from Europe, Scandinavia-Russia, China, and the northeastern USA indicate there has been no unusual modern warming. Instead, these newly published reconstructions show warmer periods and more rapid centennial-scale warming events occurred in past centuries, or when CO2 concentrations were much lower than they are now. United States In the […]
Climate scientist Alan Betts loves virus lockdowns: ‘We can delight in the benefits from the large economic downturn. Decline in the pollution from air travel and less driving helps Earth’
Climate scientist Alan Betts loving virus lockdowns: "We can also delight in the benefits from the large economic downturn. Decline in the pollution from air travel and less driving helps Earth." — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) April 28, 2020 "Now is a perfect time to add a fossil carbon tax, when the price of oil […]
No, Antarctica Is Not ‘Rapidly Melting’ By Edward Ring • April 27, 2020 The BBC, which in September 2018 announced its decision to censor any reports by climate skeptics, continues to propagandize for climate alarmists. On March 12, BBC “Science Correspondent” Jonathan Amos published an alarming article entitled “Greenland and Antarctica ice loss accelerating.” According to Amos, “Earth’s great ice sheets, Greenland and Antarctica, are now losing […]