Leading Activist Resigns, Blasts Warmist Group Friday’s For Future: ‘Science Largely Manipulation, Fraud.’…’Feel Like I’m Leaving A Cult’

https://notrickszone.com/2020/03/11/leading-activist-resigns-blasts-fff-science-largely-manipulation-fraud-feel-like-im-leaving-a-cult/ By P Gosselin Hardcore German left-wing activist Tom Radke – citing selfish leaders, fraudulent science, psychological manipulation and a cult-like atmosphere within the German Greens – has had enough of the Fridays For Future (FFF) Germany movement and has announced his resignation.   German left-wing activist, former FFF participant Tom Radke quits movement after experiencing its inner […]

Clashing Climate Kiddies: Internal Strife Erupts, FFF Activist Group Organizers Bicker Over Who Gets Spotlight

https://notrickszone.com/2020/03/10/clashing-climate-kiddies-internal-strife-erupts-fff-organizers-bicker-over-who-gets-spotlight/ By P Gosselin One highly visible person often seen at Greta Thunberg’s side at public Fridays For Future appearances is German 23-year old climate activist Luisa Neubauer of Hamburg. Climate activist Luisa Neubauer at the center of infighting between FFF organizers. Image: Andol – own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 The Green Party member was a driving force behind the launch […]

Listen: Morano analyses silly study from Union of Concerned Scientists criticizing ride-sharing

https://kprcradio.iheart.com/content/2020-03-04-a-study-criticizing-ride-sharing-doesnt-say-what-its-really-after/ A study criticizing ride-sharing doesn’t say what it’s really after By Scott Crowder A study claims ride-sharing services Uber and Lyft cause 70% more pollution than they replace. But critics say the study is bogus, too. Global warming skeptic Marc Morano of climatedepot.com says the study by the Union of Concerned Scientists isn’t honest about […]

Listen: Morano talks Climate Hustle 2, Trump admin’s climate record & more! 34 minute podcast with Tom Harris

https://www.iheart.com/podcast/966-exploratory-journeys-with-48576506/episode/episode-024-59118054/ Exploratory Journeys with Tom Harris March 11, 2020 • 34 min Tom’s guest this week is Marc Morano who is about to release the movie Climate Hustle 2 (https://tinyurl.com/tnn7j9g). Beginning in June 2006, Marc served as the director of communications for Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma. He was also communications director for the U.S. […]

Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo rips NASA & NOAA’s ‘religiously’ proclaimed ‘warmest year on record’

http://icecap.us/index.php/go/joes-blog/addendum_to_our_research_report_on_validity_of_gast_and_the_endangerment_fi/ On the fatal flaw of climate alarmism By Joseph D’Aleo, CCM Introduction NOAA and NASA can be counted on virtually every month or year end to religiously and confidently proclaim that the latest global average surface temperature (GAST) is among the warmest on record. Back in the 1970s when an assessment of a global […]

Former Obama climate adviser warns: ‘Unless coronavirus is quickly contained, another casualty will be much-needed climate action in 2020’

https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/485812-will-coronavirus-slow-action-on-climate Will coronavirus slow action on climate? BY KELLY SIMS GALLAGHER – (Former Obama administration senior policy adviser in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy & senior China adviser in the Special Envoy for Climate Change office at the U.S. State Department.) Excerpts: Normally, such announcements would be catalyzing for national policy but […]

Warmist at Grist Mag laments: ‘Coronavirus: The worst way to drive down emissions’ – ‘You can’t save a world by destroying it’

https://grist.org/climate/coronavirus-the-worst-way-to-drive-down-emissions/ By Shannon Osaka Excerpt: But how should we think about something as objectively terrible as the coronavirus — which has left more than 3,000 people dead — temporarily slowing climate change? The truth is that there are a lot of bad things in the world that also happen to (temporarily) lower carbon emissions. Experts […]

NYT’s ‘climate correspondent’ features professor claiming coronavirus is ‘climate change on warp speed’

https://twitter.com/RyanMaue/status/1238147145980616706   Climate bedwetters are desperate to remain relevant amid coronavirus hysteria. Ironically, they have forced us to waste hundreds of billions of dollars on green tech junk vs. spending money on actual public health problems.https://t.co/bjd2piBVXZ — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) March 12, 2020 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/climate/climate-change-coronavirus-lessons.html What Climate Change Can Teach Us About Fighting the Coronavirus By […]

Canada set to declare plastic ‘toxic’: Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Moore calls plan ‘Orwellian & false’ – ‘Plastic is not toxic, it is used to keep our food safe. Wood, concrete & steel are more toxic than plastic’

Canada set to declare plastic "toxic" so they can ban various items.https://t.co/LcWFPr1EavBUT – plastic is not toxic, it is used to keep our food safe. Wood, concrete and steel are more toxic than plastic which is about the most inert substance there is. Orwellian and false. — Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) March 11, 2020 # Ottawa […]

Climate activists: Coronavirus response needs to be ‘a Global Green New Deal’ to ‘decarbonize the global economy as fast as is feasibly possible’

Via: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/oureconomy/we-must-act-to-contain-the-coronavirus-but-we-cant-return-to-business-as-usual/ By Laurie Macfarlane Excerpt: “The pandemic is also causing a headache for global capital: trillions of dollars have been wiped off global stock markets, as fears a global recession grow. The IMF recently predicted that a recession half as severe as the global financial crisis would leave $19tn of corporate debt – nearly […]