Rolling Stone magazine and Media Matter’s for America are attacking Climate Depot’s Morano. See: Fox’s flagship “hard news” show hosts a climate change denier to downplay major UN report about humans causing mass extinctions
Last week it was Newsweek. See: Newsweek slams ‘smiley Morano’ on Fox & Friends for accurately declaring CO2 is NOT ‘pollution’ – Morano responds
On April 7, 2019, it was Rolling Stone magazine’s turn to attempt to slam Morano for his latest segment on Fox News Channel. See: Watch: Morano on Fox News on dire UN species report: ‘They’ve juiced up issue & put themselves in charge of solving. That’s called a self-interested lobbying organization’
This is not the first time Rolling Stone has gone after Morano. In 2010, the magazine declared Morano was one of the planet’s 17 “climate killers.” See: Rolling Stone Mag.: ‘The Climate Killers’: ‘Meet the 17 polluters and deniers who are derailing efforts to curb global warming’
Below is Climate Depot’s Morano’s Point by Point rebuttal to the April 7, 2019 article on Morano by Rolling Stone.
Rolling Stone: Fox News has used the same strategy in covering climate change, which is to essentially say that, “Yes, pretty much the entire global scientific community has agreed humanity is destroying the planet at an increasingly rapid rate, but we were able to dredge up a few quacks to give you permission to go ahead and ignore it.”
Climate Depot Response to Rolling Stone: The “entire global scientific community?! More like well funded and activist scientists and bureaucrats and politicians. See: UN’s alleged scientific process features “government officials” having a say in each line of the report’s summary & The UN IPCC Species Con: UN report meddled with by politicians/bureaucrats ‘to muster only one kind of evidence, the kind that promotes UN environmental treaties’
Rolling Stone: On Monday, that quack was Marc Morano of “,” whom Fox News pitted against UN Scientific Panel Chairman Robert Watson as if they represented two equally valid sides of the argument.
Climate Depot Response: I had just authored a special report with dissenting scientists of the UN report. As I said on Fox News, “The UN has juiced up the issue and put themselves in charge of solving. That’s called a self-interested lobbying organization.” Robert Watson is the chief lobbyist on the species issue for the UN. See: The UN IPCC Species Con: UN report meddled with by politicians/bureaucrats ‘to muster only one kind of evidence, the kind that promotes UN environmental treaties’
Rolling Stone: “Sadly, this is far from the first time Fox News has invited Morano on to talk about the climate. Last week, he went on TV to argue carbon dioxide doesn’t contribute to climate change because humans exhale it.”
Climate Depot Response: Yes, I did say that, and I was scientifically accurate and provided citation and even UN IPCC scientists to support my statement. See: Newsweek slams ‘smiley Morano’ on Fox & Friends for accurately declaring CO2 is NOT ‘pollution’ – Morano responds
Excerpts from Rolling Stones attack on Morano:
Rolling Stone: Fox News Is Desperately Trying to Convince Us Climate Science Isn’t Real
A bombshell new study written by 400 scientists found that up to one million plant and animal species are on the verge of extinction. Trump’s favorite network isn’t buying it
Fox News isn’t worried. The report was brought up on Monday’s episode of Special Report With Bret Baier. The host discredited it by using a classic bit of both-sides-ism. “Many environmentalists are in a panic tonight over a new report suggesting one million animal and plant species are at imminent risk of extinction, and humanity is to blame,” said Baier, a picture of the Earth sitting over his left shoulder. “As in all such cases, some humans say the report and the response are exaggerations.”
"Real news" program on Fox reports on todays extinction report by saying that some people "are saying the report and the response are exaggerations"
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) May 6, 2019
Fox News has used the same strategy in covering climate change, which is to essentially say that, “Yes, pretty much the entire global scientific community has agreed humanity is destroying the planet at an increasingly rapid rate, but we were able to dredge up a few quacks to give you permission to go ahead and ignore it.” On Monday, that quack was Marc Morano of “,” whom Fox News pitted against UN Scientific Panel Chairman Robert Watson as if they represented two equally valid sides of the argument.
Sadly, this is far from the first time Fox News has invited Morano on to talk about the climate. Last week, he went on TV to argue carbon dioxide doesn’t contribute to climate change because humans exhale it.
Regular Fox guest Marc Morano absurdly suggests that carbon dioxide doesn't contribute to climate change because "we exhale carbon dioxide."
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) April 30, 2019
Though humans do exhale carbon dioxide, it is not new carbon dioxide. The CO2 we exhale is recycled from the same carbon that makes up life on Earth. The global temperature is rising because of carbon dioxide that is being added to the atmosphere by the combustion of fossil fuels. This is basic science that Morano either didn’t care to learn, or is deliberately misrepresenting so Fox News will continue to invite him on the network.
The UN report he dismissed on Monday night is filled with grave warnings about what could happen to life on the planet. The 1,800-page report culls data from 15,000 academic papers from around the world in concluding that life as we know it is going to change and change drastically unless dramatic action is taken. Nearly half of all amphibians are on their way out. So are a third of marine mammals and 10 percent of all insects. Ecosystems are on the verge of collapsing.
The fact that the threat is so broad and so existential is what makes it so easy for Fox News to attempt to discredit it. The ramifications of a million species going extinct is difficult to grasp, which means people will jump at any excuse to not even try. Some guy from Sure, why not? Even Baier, who is commonly regarded as one of the more respectable of the network’s hosts, has a history of pushing disinformation about climate change. According to a 2014 study cited by Media Matters, Baier has aired “a number of segments containing inaccurate statements about climate science,” while providing a platform for people like Morano.
Climate activists praised Rolling Stone for attacking Morano:
Rolling Stone is absolutely right. You are nothing more than a quack and a mendacious one at that, with zero credibility. Only those so blinded by their own ignorance or prejudices would pay any attention at all to your ludicrous claims that climate breakdown is not happening.
— Frank McDonald (@frankmcdonald60) May 8, 2019