Prof in NYTimes: Failure of climate models vs. reality not important since we use them to predict the future

Prof in NYTimes: Failure of climate models vs. reality not important since we use them to predict the future Thomas Lovejoy writes in the New York Times: Does the leveling-off of temperatures mean that the climate models used to track them are seriously flawed? Not really. It is important to remember that models are […]

Warmists: Shutdown preventing NOAA employees from interpreting IPCC report for media, policymakers

Warmists: Shutdown preventing NOAA employees from interpreting IPCC report for media, policymakers ClimateScienceWatch reports: On the government shutdown and climate research Posted on October 2, 2013 by Rick Piltz “Every day, this shutdown is having adverse effects on a wide range of climate research across the federal agencies,” we said to Climate Wire. “Rick […]

‘Political manipulation of a ‘scientific’ document’?! 10 Pages of UN IPCC Science Mistakes? ‘In Chapter 2 alone, the 52 authors are collectively responsible for 18 instances of scientific mistakes that now need fixing’ 10 Pages of IPCC Science Mistakes? October 2, 2013 at 1:28 pm Political manipulation of a scientific document – or pages upon pages of newly-discovered scientific errors? You decide. click to see the 10-page list of alterations being made to this section of the IPCC report Last week, during a four-day-long, behind-closed-doors meeting, political operatives (diplomats, bureaucrats, […]

Analysis: ‘What could justify the increase in confidence from 90% to 95%, and it what sense has the evidence for human influence grown since AR4 was published in 2007?’

# Analysis of key points UN IPCC report:  ‘It is extremely likely (95%) that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century’ No best estimate of climate sensitivity, but a likely range given of 1.5 – 4.5C.  The low end  is slightly lower than it was in AR4 (2.0). […]

Media huddles to re-hype global warming — Anger over allowing skeptical voices to be heard: Panel to convene to discuss whether or not they have ‘blown it

The panel will include: Daniel Grossman, contributing editor, National Geographic News Watch; Katherine Bagley with InsideClimate News; Peter Dykstra with Environmental Health News and The Daily Climate; Joseph Romm with and the chief science editor of the Showtime TV series, “Years of Living Dangerously.” The description of the panel on global warming and the media reads: “Have […]

Meteorologist Art Horn: IPCC Is Very Confident That They Are Not Sure

Art Horn: IPCC Is Very Confident That They Are Not Sure The IPCC is confused and desperate. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released their 5th assessment (big report) on how human activity (using fossil fuels to make energy) is causing global warming (that’s not happening). Actually the Summary for Policy Makers […]