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One promise Obama is keeping: Killing coal so energy prices will skyrocket!

One promise Obama is keeping: Killing coal so energy prices will skyrocket! When Presidential candidate Barack Obama said in 2008 that under his energy plan, “electricity prices would necessarily skyrocket,” he wasn’t kidding! His new EPA carbon capture scheme is not designed to work but to force coal plants to shut down forever. Sent […]

Review paper finds global Medieval Warm Period was significantly warmer than today, when CO2 was ‘safe’

Review paper finds global Medieval Warm Period was significantly warmer than today, when CO2 was ‘safe’ A new review paper from SPPI and CO2 Science finds, “Not wanting to acknowledge that the earth of a thousand or so years ago was likely as warm as, or even warmer than, it is currently – when […]

Warmists create climate of madness, literally — Weeping, vasectomy-craving weatherman just the latest: ‘We now live in a world where it’s fine for a grown man to cry over a modern fable like a child frightened by tales of witches and ghosts’

Warmists create climate of madness, literally — Weeping, vasectomy-craving weatherman just the latest Investor’s Business Daily editorializes: The global warming alarmists have created a climate of madness. Their incessant warnings of worldwide disaster and unspeakable human suffering due to man-made warming have sent some people into a frenzy. Almost five years ago we wrote […]