Exclusive Video: UN’s Whopper of Hypocrisy: UN climate activists line up for Burger King at Madrid summit despite UN’s warning on dangers of eating meat – Harrison Ford confronted about flying up coast for a cheeseburger

When asked why he “frequently flies up the coast, just for a cheeseburger,” Harrison Ford told CFACT’s Marc Morano “I’m a vegetarian now, thank you” while attending the UN’s climate summit in Madrid. Meanwhile, UN delegates lined up to chow down on beef burgers at the Burger King in the UN food court – all […]

Actress Jennifer Lawrence: ‘Mother Nature’s Rage’ Directed at U.S. Because of Trump

By Kristine Marsh | September 7, 2017 5:31 PM EDT In an interview with Channel 4, a British public service television network, American actress Jennifer Lawrence blamed the recent hurricanes on Donald Trump’s voters, because they don’t believe in man-made climate change. During the lengthy interview on her new movie Mother!, the conversation turned political about halfway through. […]

Renowned Princeton Physicist Freeman Dyson: ‘I like carbon dioxide’ – Warns ‘Climate experts have set themselves up as being the guardians of the truth…& that is a dangerous situation’

Related Link: Flashback: Prominent scientist known as ‘Einstein’s successor’ declares himself a global warming skeptic — Rips colleagues: Freeman Dyson: ‘I just think they don’t understand the climate’ – Freeman Dyson on climatologists: ‘I just think they don’t understand the climate. Their models are full of fudge factors’  Dyson on Journalists: ‘They’re absolutely lousy… I don’t know […]

Must Watch Video: John Coleman of KUSI- How the Global Warming Scare Began

Must Watch Video: John Coleman of KUSI- How the Global Warming Scare Began http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/NWlS/~3/KdH9V8miPOo/must-watch-video-john-coleman-of-kusi.html A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was senile and refused to debate. John Coleman […]