The Chinese hoax thing was literally a joke to be in the agenda wise he may not have been joking — but he was joking with that tweet. The important thing here is Donald Trump stands with science. In the journal Nature almost every single industrialized country is not on track to meet the targets. See: Analysis in the journal Nature: ‘No major advanced industrialized country is on track to meet’ UN Paris pledges
Even if they were — according to peer-reviewed literature — Bjorn Lomborg, the statistician, has pointed this out — even if you believe UN models and UN assumptions on the science you would have essentially the same temperature 100 years from now that we have now. See: Lomborg Blasts UN Paris Treaty’s $100 Trillion Price Tag For No Temp Impact: ‘You won’t be able to measure it in 100 years’
That’s what Donald Trump is rejecting. The UN’s own leadership has called for this.
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