Swiss look to ban use of electric cars over the winter to save energy By JAZZ SHAW The European Union jumped on the electric vehicle craze well ahead of other parts of the world, particularly after the Paris climate accord. But in typical socialist fashion, they weren’t content with simply encouraging people to switch to EVs. Many European countries almost immediately started making plans to ban gas-powered cars and trucks […]

Brits are paying the highest electricity bills in the entire world as UK faces biggest fall in living standards on record 1) Brits are paying the highest electricity bills in the entire world City A.M., 16 November 2022 2) Green Britain: UK faces biggest fall in living standards on record BBC News, 17 November 2022 3) COP27: US isolated as officials fear Americans will have to pay $trillions in climate reparations around the world E&E News, 17 November 2022 4) […]

A Quarter of Americans at Risk of Winter Power Blackouts, Grid Emergencies (Bloomberg) — Large swaths of North America may face blackouts and other energy emergencies during bouts of extreme cold this winter as coal and natural gas supplies tighten, according to a US regulatory agency. The electric grids at most risk of supply shortfalls are in Texas, the central US system stretching from the Great […]

Germany dismantles wind farm to expand coal mine By JAZZ SHAW I should probably give our readers a moment to double-check and ensure that you didn’t inadvertently wander into an article from the Babylon Bee or The Onion. But the title of the article stands as is and it’s legitimate. German energy company RWE operates several different types of power generation operations […]

Irony: Greens Now Praying for a ‘Warmer’ Winter to Help Germany Survive Energy Crisis By P Gosselin From the NoTricksZone Normally the climate alarmists are convinced that a warming planet can only be bad for us, no matter where or when. They complain that the summers are too hot and we no longer get cold and snowy winters like we used to. Mild winters, they say, are a climate […]

Bill Gates: ‘I don’t think it’s realistic’ to solve climate change by asking people to consume less – Urges ‘not using climate as a moral crusade’ By Catherine Clifford And climate change advocates often advocate using less and consuming less as one potential solution to climate change — degrowth, it’s often called. This idea is quixotic, according to Bill Gates. “I don’t think it’s realistic to say that people are utterly going to change their lifestyle because of concerns about […]

Goldman Sachs’ Jeff Currie: ‘$3.8 Trillion of Investment in Renewables Moved Fossil Fuels from 82% to 81% of Overall Energy Consumption’ in 10 Years

  "At the end of last year, overall fossil fuels represented 81% of energy consumption. 10 years ago, they were at 82%," says Jeff Currie. "$3.8 trillion of investment in renewables moved fossil fuels from 82% to 81% of the overall energy consumption." — Squawk Box (@SquawkCNBC) October 3, 2022 Transcript:  CNBC’s JOE KERNEN: […]