Claim: CO2 will make our crops like non-nutritious filler material

Claim: CO2 will make our crops like non-nutritious filler material From the HARVARD T.H. CHAN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH and the “In a storage compartment full of grain, they starved to death.” Tribbles department comes this wacky bit of alarmism….which is of course, based on “models”. Personally, I’ll be looking forward to zero calorie […]

Benefits Of Global Warming: Record Harvests Reported In Numerous Countries

The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) Benefits Of Global Warming: Record Harvests Reported In Numerous Countries by bennypeiser / Aug 11, 2018 Following recent reports of record coffee harvests comes news that Ukraine, Argentina and the U.S. are expecting record corn and soyabean crops. It would appear that record warm years have been exceptionally good […]

Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer: The York Times hysterical over global greening – “We should welcome the fact that CO2 has risen to ‘levels not seen on Earth for millions of years'”

New York Times hysterical over global greening by William Happer, Ph.D., When the history of global warming hysteria is written in the future, one of the bizarre examples of that delusion will be the New York Times essay of July 31, 2018, “Global Greening Sounds Good, In The Long Run It’s Terrible.” The article begins with a […]

Make Agriculture Great Again: Record corn yield and soybean production predicted for 2018

Make Agriculture Great Again: Record corn yield and soybean production predicted for 2018 By Roy Spencer Today the USDA released its forecast for corn and soybean yields and production for the 2018 growing season. It is expected that corn yields (bushels per acre) in the U.S. will experience their third consecutive record year, with […]

NYT: Global Greening, Faster Plant Growth, is Bad

NYT: Global Greening, Faster Plant Growth, is Bad Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Howard “Cork” Hayden – According to New York Times all the commercial greenhouse growers who artificially elevate CO2 in greenhouses to more than double natural atmospheric levels are making a terrible mistake, because increased CO2 does not produce better crop […]

Record corn yields debunk newest climate scare

Record corn yields debunk newest climate scare Global warming activists and their media allies have been pushing a narrative this week that global warming is producing a corn crisis, but record-high crop yields show the corn scare is just another example of fake news.

Analysis: Basic Physics Proves NASA GISS Temperatures Don’t Implicate CO2

Basic Physics Proves NASA GISS Temperatures Don’t Implicate CO2 by co2islife / Jun 9, 2018 The above chart shows CO2 increasing from 300 ppm in 1910 to 411 ppm today. The following chart from NASA GISS shows temperatures increasing from -0.4°C to +1.0°C today, for a total change of 1.4°C over the last 108 […]

Analysis: The EFFECT MUST always FOLLOW the CAUSE; Climate Alarmists Fail Science 101

The EFFECT MUST always FOLLOW the CAUSE; Climate Alarmists Fail Science 101 by co2islife / Jun 9, 2018 One of, if not the greatest flaws in the CAGW Theory is that it has its cause and effect reversed. CAGW is like claiming lung-cancer causes smoking. For the CAGW Theory to be valid, CO2 would […]