Scientists Grant Earth A Reprieve! ‘Originally 350 PPM CO2 was going to kill us. Now it is 410 PPM’

Scientists Grant Earth A Reprieve! Originally 350 PPM CO2 was going to kill us. Now it is 410 PPM. That is why they created, which is now It doesn’t really matter though, because the UN says global warming killed us 18 years ago. A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations […]

No, CNN, GHGs have not reached ‘alarming new record’

No, CNN, GHGs have not reached ‘alarming new record’ CNN claimed the pace of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions has become alarming. A look at the objective data, however, reveals just the opposite. — gReader Pro

Why Dessler et al.’s critique of energy-budget climate sensitivity estimation is mistaken

Why Dessler et al.’s critique of energy-budget climate sensitivity estimation is mistaken By Nic Lewis Plain language summary A new paper by Andrew Dessler et al. claims, based on 100 simulations of the historical period (1850 to date) by the MPI‑ESM1.1 climate model, that estimates of climate sensitivity using the energy-budget method can vary […]

Scott Pruitt: ‘Humans Flourish During Times Of Global Warming’

Scott Pruitt: ‘Humans Flourish During Times Of Global Warming’ by bennypeiser / Today, 04:54 U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt questioned yesterday if rising global temperatures are harmful to humans, a claim that adds new insight to his alternative views on climate change. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said yesterday that humans benefit from warmer temperatures. […]

U.S. Corn Yield a New Record – Again

U.S. Corn Yield a New Record – Again Global warming be damned — full speed ahead on the Maize Train. Kentucky Corn Growers AssociationThe numbers are in from USDA, and 2017 saw a new record in average corn yield, with 176.6 bushels per acre. In fact, the last four growing seasons (2014, 2015, 2016, […]

STUDY: Worst-case global warming scenarios not credible – Published in the journal Nature   By Marlowe HOOD   Paris (AFP) – Earth’s surface will almost certainly not warm up four or five degrees Celsius by 2100, according to a study released Wednesday which, if correct, voids worst-case UN climate change predictions. A revised calculation of how greenhouse gases drive up the planet’s temperature reduces the range of possible […]

Study: Defying Models, There Has Been No Long-Term Linear Decline In Arctic Sea Ice By Kenneth Richard on 26. October 2017 Uncoupled: CO2 And Sea Ice Anthropogenic CO2 emissions have risen linearly since the mid-1940s. According to climate models, anthropogenic CO2 emissions drive trends in polar sea ice.   The sea ice extent in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres should therefore gradually decline (linearly) as human emissions rise. However, neither […]

Fact Check: Does Latest Empirical Evidence Indicate CO2 Warming Will Soon Turn Earth Into Venus?

Fact Check: Does Latest Empirical Evidence Indicate CO2 Warming Will Soon Turn Earth Into Venus? The ‘Venus’ prediction – quackery or a valid climate science prediction? There are climate doomsday proponents and alleged “experts” who fear that Earth is warming so fast that it will soon reach hothouse Venus-like temperatures, primarily due to humans […]

New Paper: Temperature Increase From Doubling CO2 Is ‘Insignificant Compared to Natural Variability’

New Paper: Temperature Increase From Doubling CO2 Is ‘Insignificant Compared to Natural Variability’ Engineering Prof. Questions Temperature Record, Models, CO2 Climate Sensitivity Photo Source  Pontius, 2017 Sustainable Infrastructure: Climate Changes and Carbon Dioxide Temperatures Record ‘Unreliable’, ‘Arbitrarily Adjusted’, And Of ‘Poor Data Quality’ Temperature measurement stations have been installed at various locations across the globe. […]