NPR survey: ‘Climate Change’ finishes dead last in yet another voter poll – 12 out of 12!
‘Public opinion turning against global warming almost as quickly as science’
Bloomberg Poll: ‘Almost 2/3rds of U.S. investors say climate change is minor danger or ‘no real threat’
Survey: 2 out of 3 Americans oppose carbon taxes
Survey: Concern in Europe about global warming plunges from 30% to 18% in less than a year
MIT Climate Scientist: ‘Ordinary people see through man-made climate fears — but educated people are very vulnerable’
MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen mocked man-made global warming fears in a July 2, 2009 radio interview on WRKO’s Howie Carr program. (Full audio of Lindzen’s interview available here.) Lindzen noted that man-made climate fears were “divorced from nature” and he said the scientific foundation for climate fears is “falling apart.” “How did we […]
Study: Do the Terms ‘Global Warming’ versus ‘Climate Change’ Matter to Public Perceptions?
Global warming fails to register AT ALL in latest NYT/CBS poll — ‘Environment’ scored a zero
Democrats Should Dump ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Message — Pollster says
Climate Fear Promoter Laments: ‘We can’t expect to make much headway changing minds until a hurricane or two racks up a five- or six-figure body count’