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MIT Climate Scientist: ‘Ordinary people see through man-made climate fears — but educated people are very vulnerable’

MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen mocked man-made global warming fears in a July 2, 2009 radio interview on WRKO’s Howie Carr program. (Full audio of Lindzen’s interview available here.)

Lindzen noted that man-made climate fears were “divorced from nature” and he said the scientific foundation for climate fears is “falling apart.”

“How did we get a population that can be told something that contradicts their senses and go crazy over it?” Lindzen asked on the program. Lindzen recently co-signed an open letter to Congress with a team of scientists warning: “You Are Being Deceived About Global Warming’ — ‘Earth has been cooling for ten years.’

When asked about climate fears, Lindzen dismissed the notion that “ordinary” Americans are buying into former Vice President Al Gore’s climate views.

“We are too smart for that. You look at the polls, ordinary people see through this, but educated people are very vulnerable,” Lindzen quipped. (at 09:14 min. mark on audio)

Lindzen noted that people are being told that if they change a lightbulb, they are “saving the Earth”, they are “virtuous, they are smart.”

“Now you are told if you that if you don’t understand global warming is going on, you are dumb, but if you agree to it, you are smart,” Lindzen explained.

Climate Depot Note:

Current polling data reveals that the American people “get it” when it comes to man-made global warming fears. Given the wealth of recent polling data showing Americans are growing increasingly skeptical, Congressmen and Senators are simply not hearing any clamor from voters to “act” to “solve” global warming.

In fact, the opposite is true, voters are rebelling against the unfounded climate fears and the so-called “solutions” in growing numbers. Below is a small sampling of recent polling data on global warming.

1) Gallup survey found global warming ranked dead last in the U.S. among ENVIRONMENTAL issues – March 2009

2) Gallup Poll Editor: Gore has ‘Failed’ — ‘The public is just not that concerned’ about global warming – May 2009

3) Zobgy Poll: Only 30% of Americans support cap-and-trade — 57% oppose – April 2009

4) “Gallup Poll: Record-High 41% of Americans Now Say Global Warming is Exaggerated” – March 11, 2009

5) Rasmussen Poll found Only 34% Now Blame Humans for Global Warming – ‘Lowest finding yet’ — ‘reversal from a year ago!’

6) Rasmussen Reports: Congress Pushes Cap and Trade, But Just 24% Know What It Is – May 11, 2009
