Claim: ‘More than 90% of the world’s glaciers are GROWING’
New climate strategy: Track the world’s wealthiest
Meteorologist: ‘Do we really want Congress to make trillion dollar tax decisions based on ‘software that doesn’t meet the best standards available?’
U.S. Government Scientist’s Shock Admission: ‘Climate Model Software Doesn’t Meet the Best Standards Available’
Two prominent U.S. Government scientists made two separate admissions questioning the reliability of climate models used to predict warming decades and hundreds of years into the future. Gary Strand, a software engineer at the federally funded National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), admitted climate model software “doesn’t meet the best standards available” in a comment […]
MIT Climate Scientist: ‘Ordinary people see through man-made climate fears — but educated people are very vulnerable’
MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen mocked man-made global warming fears in a July 2, 2009 radio interview on WRKO’s Howie Carr program. (Full audio of Lindzen’s interview available here.) Lindzen noted that man-made climate fears were “divorced from nature” and he said the scientific foundation for climate fears is “falling apart.” “How did we […]
Wash. Post: Obama’s Climate bill looks like ‘unabridged dictionary…swollen with loopholes and giveaways’
UK Environment Agency sets up green police squad ‘to police companies generating excessive CO2 emissions’
Comic Relief: Global warming could cause ‘a 30 percent drop in worker productivity’
Climatologist: Sea Level Rise; A Major Non-existent Threat Exploited by Alarmists