Dem VP Pick Gov. Tim Walz thinks we should ‘power our Navy using algae’ – Claims ‘the Pentagon is not a bunch of green tree-huggers’ – Morano responds

Tim Walz thinks we should “power our Navy using algae” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 7, 2024 Gov. Walz: “The Pentagon is not a bunch of green tree-huggers. It understands that it poses a risk to the climate, the environment, and national security.” Climate Depot’s Morano Response: “Wrong! The Pentagon is absolutely ‘a […]
Watch: Biden Claims Climate Change Is ‘The Only Existential Threat To Humanity, Including Nuclear Weapons’

Biden Claims Climate Change Is “The Only Existential Threat To Humanity, Including Nuclear Weapons” This Guys Is Such A Clown … — Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) June 9, 2024
EVs, climate agenda are a national security threat used ‘to weaken us and ultimately destroy us,’ former CIA operations officer says By Kendall Tietz FOXBusiness Electric vehicles are often touted as the green alternative to gas-powered vehicles, but one expert believes that if people knew the truth about EVs, they would think twice before purchasing one. Bryan Dean Wright, a former CIA operations officer and host of the podcast “The Wright Report,” told Fox News Digital that electric vehicles […]
U.S. Drilling Activity Continues to Drop Off in 2024: ‘Oil rigs now stand at 506–down by 84 compared to this time in 2024’
Not to worry, we can always import from the Middle East. U.S. Drilling Activity Continues to Drop Off: "Oil rigs now stand at 506–down by 84 compared to this time last year. The number of gas rigs fell by 1 this week to 109, a loss of 49 active gas rigs from this time last… […]
Net Zero is working! Green Britain returning to its pre-industrial bliss?! UK domestic energy production falls to lowest level on record! Imported a net 41.1% of its energy in 2023 By Emma Powell – UK Telegraph The amount of energy produced domestically in Britain has fallen to its lowest level on record, increasing the country’s dependency on imports from Norway and the United States. North Sea oil production last year fell to the weakest level since records began in 1948 and gas output […]
Net Zero an urgent threat to national security Net Zero an urgent threat to national security Former security minister Sir Gerald Howarth urges the UK to halt Net Zero and focus on defence. Press Release London, 1 March – A new paper from Net Zero Watch makes a comprehensive case that efforts to decarbonise the steel and electricity fundamentals of the economy […]
Morano: It’s Time For The U.S. To End Our Dependence On China For Rare Earths – ‘This is a national security issue’ ByB.D. Hobbs When Donald Trump tweeted in 2013 that the climate scare was nothing more than a way to empower China, he was right on the money. That is exactly what is happening now, with our money. As the U.S. continues to try and eliminate the use of fossil fuels, China has been tightening […]
Net Zero Threatens National Security BY DR GWYTHIAN PRINS There is a respectable peacetime economic case for closing the Port Talbot blast furnaces and ceasing production of basic oxygen steel (BOS) in the United Kingdom and it is set out by the leading trade economist Catherine McBride. She shows how much British steel-making of any type has declined by volume, and how […]
CCP-tied group is quietly fueling US-based climate initiatives according to tax filings
‘Environmentalists fueled by China are promoting policies that would increase our dependence on China’: energy expert
Experts raise alarm after Biden strikes climate agreement with China to shut down fossil fuels – Will nudge America ‘closer to Beijing-style central planning, production quotas’ By Thomas Catenacci Fox News U.S. energy experts are warning of the economic and national security implications of President Biden’s pact with China this week to move towards shutting down fossil fuel production in favor of green energy. The State Department announced this week it had struck a deal with its Chinese counterparts pledging to “accelerate the substitution […]