Former UN lead scientist Michael Mann: ‘Tucker Carlson is both a climate change denier and a racist f#ck’
Michael Mann, a former United Nations lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, smeared Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson as being “both a climate change denier and a racist f#ck.” Mann, a Professor of Atmospheric Science at Penn State, tweeted his comment on September 11, following a Carlson segment “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” […]
Watch: Morano on Fox with Varney: You have been Amazon.CONNED about rainforest fires & the Democratic Party is ducking climate debates & Inslee fails Broadcast August 23, 2019 – Varney & Co. – Fox Business – Watch here: Rush Transcript: Right now we are down 93. A few minutes ago we were down 140. >> The g7 meeting starts tomorrow and France’s president macron wants world leaders to put the fires in the amazon rain forest at the […]
Dem presidential candidate Gov. Inslee claims to have ‘witnessed’ climate change: But where? By CFACT |August 5th, 2019|Climate|7 Comments Democratic presidential candidate Jay Inslee claims in a July 31 CNN editorial, “I’ve witnessed the devastation that climate change can cause.” The question is, in what alternate reality or foreign country did Inslee see this devastation? The U.S. Climate Reference Network, a network of more than 100 impeccably maintained temperature stations […]
Jay Inslee, 2020 Democrat, vows to save Miami from ‘climate change’ – ‘This is a climate crisis, an emergency’ By S.A. Miller and Seth McLaughlin – The Washington Times – Wednesday, June 26, 2019 MIAMI — Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington said Wednesday his push to combat climate change will save Miami. Mr. Inslee has made climate change the primary focus of his campaign, and was pressed in the first Democratic debate on […]
‘Freedom from Fossil Fuels’: Gov. Jay Inslee Introduces National Climate Plan To End Oil And Natural Gas Production In Pitch For The White House, Jay Inslee Introduces Climate Plan To End Oil And Natural Gas Production June 26, 2019 Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, has unveiled a sweeping climate change plan to eliminate oil and natural gas production in the United States over the coming decades. […]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks 2020 Democrat Jay Inslee’s climate plan is the ‘golden standard’ Another one bites the dust left behind by a climate change-induced drought. As the originator of the environmentally ambitious Green New Deal, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has a noteworthy endorsement in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries. She hasn’t handed out that precious stamp of approval yet, but as candidates start to roll out […]
Hopeful Climate President Jay Inslee Stumped By Basic Question On Recycling
Hopeful Climate President Jay Inslee Stumped By Basic Question On Recycling If you havent heard and you probably havent Washington Governor Jay Inslee is running for president. Additionally, hes making environmentalism his signature issue. He thinks that embracing the eco-left is his ticket to the presidency, and he hopes he can become […]
Ten ‘inconvenient’ Questions for ‘Climate Industry Entrepreneur of the Year’, Gov. Jay Inslee @jayinslee @govinslee
Ten ‘inconvenient’ Questions for ‘Climate Industry Entrepreneur of the Year’, Gov. Jay Inslee @jayinslee @govinslee It’s amazing what some groups can find using the Freedom of Information Act. From the website Government Accountability and Oversight: As Washington Gov. Jay Inslee comes to Capitol Hill Tuesday to teach us “lessons from across the nation: state […]
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee enters 2020 presidential race, to focus on climate change Washington Gov. Jay Inslee says he will emphasize climate change during his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. “We’re the first generation to feel the sting of climate change, and we’re the last that can do something about it,” the 67-year-old governor says in a video announcing his candidacy. “Our country’s next mission must […]