Landmark study casts doubt on controversial theory linking melting Arctic to severe winter weather By Paul Voosen Every time severe winter weather strikes the United States or Europe, reporters are fond of saying that global warming may be to blame. The paradox goes like this: As Arctic sea ice melts and the polar atmosphere warms, the swirling winds that confine cold Arctic air weaken, letting it […]
Why is Biden energy sec. smiling!? Skyrocketing energy prices are all part of the ‘Green Fraud’ – Welcome Back, (Jimmy) Carter -2021: ‘Maybe Pipeline Terrorists Are Just Environmentalists’ – 2013: ‘We will dismantle the Pipeline…by any means necessary’
Energy Sec Granholm can’t suppress her smiles over gasoline shortages – Claims ‘supply crunch’ NOT ‘shortage’ Thomas Lifson: “Don’t you realize it’s good for you to learn to get along without fossil fuels? Did you realize that if you drive an electric car, this wouldn’t be a problem? Watch as a reporter’s question on whether […]
Polar vortex theory takes a beating: Journal Nature Refutes Claim That A Warmer Arctic Causes Extreme Cold Snaps By P Gosselin on 9. February 2021 The polar vortex theory takes a beating: The claim a warm Arctic is behind the brutally cold winter conditions at the mid latitudes is shown by a Nature study to be scientifically baseless. Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne. Now that Europe and North America are getting blasted by unusually severe winter weather, which […]
Climate activist scientists including Michael Mann, Paul Ehrlich & John Holdren endorse Biden for Prez because he will ‘confront the existential climate crisis’
Climate cult scientists such as Cobb, Mann, Paul Ehrlich, Holdren, Solomon, etc sign a ridiculous letter endorsing Biden because he'll allegedly "confront the [imaginary] existential climate crisis". — Tom Nelson (@tan123) April 21, 2020 Michael E. Mann on Twitter: "Proud, on the eve of this 50th anniversary of #EarthDay, to join with numerous fellow […]
Environmentalist Michael Shellenberger: Bernie Sanders Green New Deal ‘would disproportionately hurt the poor’ If Bernie Sanders Is So Progressive, Why Is The Green New Deal So Regressive? By Michael Shellenberger Much of the policy agenda of Democratic presidential front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders can be fairly categorized as “progressive,” in the sense of helping poor and working people, including through the redistribution of wealth. … The same can’t […]
Arctic Sea-Ice Loss Has ‘Minimal Influence’ on Severe Cold Winter Weather, Research Shows Arctic Sea-Ice Loss Has ‘Minimal Influence’ on Severe Cold Winter Weather, Research Shows The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 11min The dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice through climate change has only a “minimal influence” on severe cold winter weather across Asia and North America, new research has shown. The […]
Empty Planet: The Shock Of Global Population Decline – ‘Will decline rapidly later this century’ – ‘Population bust’ Empty Planet: The Shock Of Global Population Decline Market economics failed to topple Chinese communism, but perhaps the halving of its population by the end of the century will do the trick instead. Meanwhile the oceans are set to heal, the temperature will cool and Canada will become a global superpower. —David Goodhart, The Sunday […]
Nuanced Climate Views of Presidential Adviser Concern Senate
The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) Nuanced Climate Views of Presidential Adviser Concern Senate by Andrew Montford / Today, 08:19 Drogemeier refuses to board the bandwagon. Meteorologist Kelvin Droegemeier, US President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), says that science should be conducted without political interference […]
Trump’s pick of potential science czar ‘deliberately chosen as a token warmer’ – Trumpers play politics with climate alarmism by David Wojick, Ph.D. Skeptics of climate alarmism are surprised that President Trump has nominated atmospheric scientist Kelvin Droegemeier to head up the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and possibly be his official Science Advisor as well. The likely explanation is the looming midterm elections. The Trump people do not want climate change to […]
Trump’s Nominated Science Czar Receives Broad Support, From Climate Sceptics To Alarmists
Trump’s Nominated Science Czar Receives Broad Support, From Climate Sceptics To Alarmists by bennypeiser / Yesterday, 09:03 President Donald Trump will nominate meteorologist Kelvin Droegemeier to the long vacant post to head the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), an administration official said. An administration official told The Washington Post on […]