Eliminate fossil fuels for the kids’ future! Climate activist: ‘COP28, the clock’s ticking’ – ‘Phase out fossil fuels? Yes, please’

https://twitter.com/EJinAction/status/1734667887904702699 Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali – @EJinAction “Now or Never: A Wake-Up Call at the Eleventh Hour of #COP28” Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, esteemed procrastinators of planet Earth, welcome to the grand finale of COP28! What a show it’s been, right? Imagine this: we’re here, at the edge of making history, deciding whether […]

American Energy Alliance: Biden ‘Raises Energy Prices Intentionally’ – ‘Interior Dept cancelled the 7 remaining oil & gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic Wildlife Refuge’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 09/07/2023 MEDIA CONTACT: [email protected] President Biden Raises Energy Prices Intentionally Biden has nobody to blame but himself for high gas prices.   WASHINGTON DC (09/07/2023) – Despite rising gasoline prices, the Department of Interior cancelled the seven remaining oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), estimated to hold over 10 billion barrels of […]

California’s grid faces collapse as leaders push renewables, electric vehicles, experts say –

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/californias-grid-faces-collapse-leaders-push-renewables-electric-vehicles-experts-say By Thomas Catenacci | Fox News California’s electric grid faces years of potential blackouts and failure as state leaders continue pushing aggressive measures to transition to renewable energy sources, policy experts tell Fox News Digital. The state’s grid, which is still mainly powered by fossil fuels, is undergoing a major shift from natural gas and coal power to […]

Irony: Greens Now Praying for a ‘Warmer’ Winter to Help Germany Survive Energy Crisis

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/10/14/irony-greens-now-praying-for-a-warmer-winter-to-help-germany-survive-energy-crisis/ By P Gosselin From the NoTricksZone Normally the climate alarmists are convinced that a warming planet can only be bad for us, no matter where or when. They complain that the summers are too hot and we no longer get cold and snowy winters like we used to. Mild winters, they say, are a climate […]

Alex Esptein: Gore’s sequel ‘lies’ about alleged ‘100% renewable energy’ city of Georgetown TX

Via: http://business.financialpost.com/opinion/al-gore-cant-deny-that-his-climate-crusade-involves-great-suffering/wcm/437f1ecb-cde9-41fc-abc7-a2484a1eaa00 By Alex Epstein – Author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels and an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute. Excerpt: Gore shows us the town of Georgetown, Tex. and its use of 100-per-cent renewable energy. Stories about “100-per-cent renewable” locations like Georgetown, Tex. are not just anecdotal evidence, they are lies. The Texas grid from which Georgetown draws its […]