Five CNN Hosts Spend Six Hours Blaming Climate Change for Hurricane Dorian at Dem Forum By Curtis Houck | September 5, 2019 1:11 AM EDT As is usually the case with CNN, hosts are reduced to no more than puppets in Jeffrey Zucker’s play, willfully reading from nearly identical scripts as they peddle their daily doses of venom for not only President Trump, but anyone who stands in the way of […]
NOAA: ‘It is premature to conclude…that global warming has already had a detectable impact on hurricane activity’ – U.S. landfalling hurricanes ‘show a slight negative trend’ since ‘late 1800s’
Hurricane Dorian Update: ‘Current forecast track has the storm staying away from the Florida coast’
Hurricane Dorian AUGUST 31, 2019 By Paul Homewood This is the first update on Hurricane Dorian, which is currently north of the Bahamas, moving westwards as a Cat 4 with winds of 150 mph. The current forecast track has the storm staying away from the Florida coast, where it will then turn quickly north […]