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Media’s Constant Linking of ‘Extreme Weather’ to Climate Change is ‘Intellectually Dishonest Says Top U.S. Meteorologist BY CHRIS MORRISON One of the top Western U.S. broadcast meteorologists hit out recently at “clickbait” stories that demonised every major weather event. Don Daly, often referred to as ‘Wyoming’s weatherman’ said that politicians, media and environmental group’s constant mantra that every national weather event is somehow the result of human activity, “is intellectually dishonest”. […]

Hundreds of scientists blast ‘zealots’ pushing plant-based diets, argue meat is crucial for health By Isabel Keane Hundreds of scientists have banded together to blast the push to adopt a plant-based diet, arguing that meat is critical to a well-balanced diet — and warning against villainizing carnivores. Experts behind nine new research papers published in Animal Frontiers are among nearly 1,000 signatures on a declaration looking to prove the value […]

Climate expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. slams ‘climate journalism’ & Lists Top 5 Media narratives – ‘A big part of climate reporting these days is simply climate advocacy’ Top Five Climate Change Narratives in the Media Coverage of climate has become more about narrative promotion than news By ROGER PIELKE JR. Source: University of Colorado Boulder I’ve seen a lot over the past three decades. For instance, I’ve seen my own research on climate go from being widely covered in the late 1990s […]

Cheers! UK Times features Elon Musk, Morano & Milloy: Climate-sceptic accounts surge after Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover – ‘Including well-known climate deniers, Steve Milloy & Marc Morano’

The follower counts of climate change deniers on Twitter have boomed since Elon Musk bought the social media platform — The Times and The Sunday Times (@thetimes) April 17, 2023   Climate-sceptic accounts surge after Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover By Adam Vaughan – Environment Editor Monday April 17 2023, 2.10pm, The Times   The […]

‘The State of the Climate 2022’ Report Finds ‘Little To Alarm’ -By Prof. Ole Humlum The State of the Climate 2022 London, 12 April – In his annual review of the state of the global climate, Professor Ole Humlum finds much of interest to readers, but little to alarm them. There are some climate trends that support claims of climate concern – but many that do not. For example, Professor Humlum draws […]

Climate science shock: Methane’s unexpected cooling impact unveiled Net Zero Samizdat The world’s best climate & energy policy bulletin11 April 2023 1) Climate science shock: Methane’s unexpected cooling impact unveiled SciTech Daily, 9 April 2023 2) Skepticism of climate doomsday predictions swells since Musk’s takeover of Twitter Cowboy State Daily, 11 April 2023 3) Europe’s growing revolt over Net Zero mandates Duggan […]