Newsweek: Bugs Instead of Turkey? Why Insects Make a Perfect Thanksgiving Dish and How to Cook Them By Kastalia MedranoScience Writer About 80 percent of the world already eats insects, which are a fantastic source of protein. As Americans prepare for this year’s Thanksgiving meal, perhaps it’s time to consider the many merits of a bugcentric holiday feast. Insects are a food source in many places in the world for good […]

Watch: Morano’s presentation at FreedomFest on Great Food Reset

4/ Those that follow the @UN know that it is often the source of a lot of these pro-states-rights policies. Marc Morano traces the assault on the food supply back to the 2007 UN agricultural report claiming cow emissions exceeded that of cars.@ClimateDepot @FactsMatterRB — Sunshine PPC (@WVSCSSPPC) August 3, 2023 8/ Just like […]

Watch: Morano on OAN TV explains how Biden’s $11b ‘rural electrification’ plan is ‘a money laundering scheme for the green agenda’ – ‘Billions will go into the hands of bureaucrats & donors’

Climate Depot Founder On ‘Team Biden’ & The Radical Climate Agenda – OAN TV – In Focus w/ Alison Steinberg – Broadcast May 18, 2023  Rough Transcript: Morano: This whole idea of electrifying rural areas, this $11 billion program goes back in the 1930s under Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR had the Rural Electrification Admin which […]

Watch: CBS segment highlights how adding bugs to the food system ‘could be a game-changer’ to fight climate change

  By Lindsay Kornick | Fox News “CBS Saturday Morning” featured a segment suggesting adding insects into a diet could provide benefits for a growing world affected by climate change. To counter meat, soybean-derived proteins or other high-carbon foods, the segment described efforts by climate experts and scientists to explore farming bugs to protect the planet. “We all […]

Switzerland Wants Children to Eat Insects – Taste tests targeted to middle school kids who ate ‘spiced mealworms, crickets dusted with paprika’ By Matthew Dalton MAUR, Switzerland—In this land of cheese and chocolate, children are being schooled in the more subtle pleasures of eating mealworms, locusts and crickets. On a recent morning, students at a middle school outside Zurich gathered around a table laden with snacks made of insects. They quickly scooped up spiced mealworms, crickets dusted […]

I feed my daughter crickets for protein — it saves hundreds on grocery bills By Jane Herz Food writer Tiffany Leigh revealed that she feeds her 18-month-old daughter crickets as a source of protein — claiming it saves her hundreds of dollars on grocery bills. This tip may bug some parents. In a new essay for Insider, food writer Tiffany Leigh revealed that she feeds her 18-month-old daughter crickets as a […]

NPR calls the backlash over NOT wanting to eat bugs a ‘conspiracy’ – Implies those who refuse to eat insects are racist?! by: C.G. Jones The idea of eating bugs has, once again, found its way back into the news. NPR recently released a piece that suggested the pushback against eating bugs is founded on a baseless conspiracy theory that elites want the population to consume bugs. However, the evidence seems to suggest that elites do, in fact, want […]

Problems with eating bugs emerges! Insects have ‘capacity to feel pain & suffer’ – Demand for ‘welfare standards’ for the bugs ‘offered up as a solution to the human-caused climate crisis’ Excerpt: Insect farming is booming in a major way. By one estimate, between 1 trillion and 1.2 trillion insects are raised on farms each year as companies race to find a high-protein, low-carbon way to feed animals and humans. In terms of sheer numbers of animals impacted, this is a transformation of a speed […]

Watch: Morano’s 20 min. speech on The Great Food Reset Takeover of Our Farms & Food Supply

Speech delivered on September 24, 2022 – Eagle Forum 50th Anniversary event – Morano speaks on Great Reset on September 24, 2022 OpEd: The Great Food Reset – By Marc Morano Watch: Morano on Fox News on the Great Food Reset: China & Bill Gates buying up U.S. farmland – Pushing fake meat & […]