‘How does this stuff pass review?’ Extreme weather expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr rips new media hyped study claiming hurricanes are hitting U.S. ‘more often’
The Associated Press is hyping a new study that is claiming “The most destructive hurricanes are hitting US more often.” WASHINGTON (AP) — Big, destructive hurricanes are hitting the U.S. three times more frequently than they did a century ago, according to a new study. Experts generally measure a hurricane’s destruction by adding up how much […]
Analysis: US Air Quality Isn’t Slipping: Taking a Closer Look at the Data
https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-air-quality-isnt-slipping-taking-a-closer-look-at-the-data_2976005.html By Richard Trzupek On June 18, The Associated Press published a story under the byline of Seth Borenstein and Nicky Forster with the troubling headline “US Air Quality is Slipping After Years of Improvement.” While there are grains of truth in both the headline and the story that follows, there’s also a great deal […]
Media hypes new study — but reality shows ‘Melting Glaciers To Drown Us At 2 Inches A Century’
Melting Glaciers To Drown Us (At 2 Inches A Century!) By Paul Homewood From Phys.org Melting glaciers causing sea levels to rise at ever greater rates by University of Zurich Melting ice sheets in Greenland and the Antarctic as well as ice melt from glaciers all over the world are causing sea levels to rise. Glaciers […]
Analysis: ‘AP and NOAA are intentionally deceiving the public’ to support the climate narrative
https://realclimatescience.com/2019/03/latest-big-lie-from-the-climate-industrial-complex/ Latest Big Lie From The Climate Industrial Complex Posted on March 20, 2019 by tonyheller Over the past 20 years, Americans have been twice as likely to sweat through record-breaking heat rather than shiver through record-setting cold, a new Associated Press data analysis shows. Heat records falling twice as often as cold ones, AP finds This is […]
AP’s Seth Borenstein Tries The Daily Records Con – ‘Another remarkably dishonest and deceitful piece, even by Seth Borenstein standards’
https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2019/03/23/borenstein-tries-the-daily-records-con/ Borenstein Tries The Daily Records Con MARCH 23, 2019 By Paul Homewood Another remarkably dishonest and deceitful piece, even by Seth Borenstein standards. That it should be aided and abetted by NOAA is shameful: Over the past 20 years, Americans have been twice as likely to sweat through record-breaking heat rather than shiver through record-setting cold, […]
‘AP is selling pure snake oil’ – The Garbage Science Behind the AP’s Latest ‘Global Warming’ Report
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/03/19/ap-global-warming-hoax/ By John Nolte This morning I woke up to discover my emergency heat had kicked in because it was 24 degrees outside. I live in North Carolina, y’all — sure, in the mountains where it’s about ten degrees cooler than the rest of the state, but still… Twenty-four degrees is notably chilly here in […]
‘Rank climate propaganda’ – ‘Associated Press touts ‘a clear sign of human-caused climate change’ – But scientists dismantle claims
https://www.dailysignal.com/2019/03/19/media-touts-clear-sign-of-human-caused-climate-change-here-are-the-facts/ Media Touts ‘Clear Sign of Human-Caused Climate Change.’ Here Are the Facts. By Marc Morano Associated Press reporter Seth Borenstein has made another attempt to convince the public of global warming, but his latest analysis has climate scientists once again refuting his claims. On Tuesday, Borenstein cited AP analysis that found hot temperature records in the […]
AP’s Seth Borenstein–Master Of Climate Propaganda and Fake News – Another ‘nonsensical article hyping climate alarm’
Seth Borenstein–Master Of Propaganda and Fake News By Paul Homewood This photo appears in an article yesterday, for AP written by Seth Borenstein: https://apnews.com/13fd9ac84b56471db165f04779aa9989 It is the lead for a nonsensical article hyping climate alarm ahead of next week’s meeting in Poland. Most of the points made have been well debunked already, but this photo tells […]
AP’S Seth Borenstein: A Propagandist Masquerading as a Journalist.
Seth Borenstein: A Propagandist Masquerading as a Journalist. http://drtimball.com/2018/seth-borenstein-a-propagandist-masquerading-as-a-journalist/ Borenstein has a journalism degree but claims to be a science reporter. He might have claim to the journalism label except that everything he writes is biased, misleading, distorted, and wrong because he only presents one side of each story. It is no surprise that he […]
UN report on ‘global warming’ carries life-or-death warning
UN report on ‘global warming’ carries life-or-death warning… http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DrudgeReportFeed/~3/k_xteHgrd58/un-report-global-warming-carries-043034382.html By Seth Borenstein WASHINGTON (AP) — Preventing an extra single degree of heat could make a life-or-death difference in the next few decades for multitudes of people and ecosystems on this fast-warming planet, an international panel of scientists reported Sunday. But they provide little hope the […]