Media hypes new study — but reality shows ‘Melting Glaciers To Drown Us At 2 Inches A Century’


Melting Glaciers To Drown Us (At 2 Inches A Century!)

By Paul Homewood


Melting glaciers causing sea levels to rise at ever greater rates

Melting  ice sheets in Greenland and the Antarctic as well as ice melt from glaciers all over the world are causing sea levels to rise. Glaciers alone have lost more than 9 trillion tons of ice since 1961, raising water levels by 27 millimeters, an international research team under the lead of the University of Zurich has now found.

Glaciers have lost more than 9 trillion tons (that is 9,625,000,000,000 tons) of ice between 1961 and 2016, which has resulted in global sea levels rising by 27 millimeters in this period. The largest contributors were  in Alaska, followed by the melting ice fields in Patagonia and glaciers in the Arctic regions. Glaciers in the European Alps, the Caucasus and New Zealand were also subject to significant ice loss; however, due to their relatively small glacierized areas, they played only a minor role when it comes to the rising global sea levels.



Wow!! 27mm between 1961 and 2016!

Two inches a century. Head to the hills!
