Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue: ‘During next 2-weeks, extreme cold over N. Hemisphere continents may be enough to…temporarily erase the last 5-years of global warming’
Starting to wonder what's going on. During next 2-weeks, extreme cold over Northern Hemisphere continents may be enough to return global temperatures to the 1991-2020 climatological mean temporarily erasing the last 5-years of global warming. — Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) January 15, 2025
Met Office Claims to Have Been Recording Temperatures at ‘Stornoway Airport’ Going Back to 1873 — 30 Years Before Airplanes Were Invented — Airport Was Not Built Until 1937
Met Office Claims to Have Been Recording Temperatures at “Stornoway Airport” 30 Years Before Aeroplanes Were Invented By Chris Morrison The U.K. Met Office claims to have a continuous record of temperatures at Stornoway Airport going back to 1873. This is truly remarkable since manned powered flight was not achieved until 1903 and the actual airport […]
Climatologist: Hot Death Valley Days: ‘Don’t Trust Those Temperatures’ – ‘Near-record temperatures are biased too high’
Hot Death Valley Days: Don’t Trust Those Temperatures by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. Summary Previous research has shown the temperatures recorded at Death Valley National Park (DVNP) have curious warm biases on very hot days, possibly due to instrument deficiencies or proximity to mounting structure apparatus and other manmade structures. Here it is shown […]
EU Weather Watchers Claim This Year Is the Hottest Year Ever–Again! But – ‘hottest’ claims are based on ‘data fed through flawed climate models to produce temperature outputs’ by James Murphy Climate-change zealots from the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) have announced that 2024 will with “virtual certainty” be the hottest year on record. This comes only a year after the same agency declared 2023 the hottest year on record. Last year, the same organization reported that 2023 was the warmest the Earth had […]
Study: Marine life in oceans has a cooling effect on climate – ‘Global emissions of a sulfur gas produced by marine life have a hitherto unknown cooling effect on temps’ By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D Putting another nail in the coffin of the mantra that “the science is settled on climate change,” researchers in Spain have found that global emissions of a sulfur gas produced by marine life have a hitherto unknown cooling effect on temperatures. It has long been known that oceans capture […]
Science Shock: U.K. Met Office is ‘Inventing’ Temperature Data from 100 Non-Existent Stations
Science Shock: U.K. Met Office is “Inventing” Temperature Data from 100 Non-Existent Stations by Chris Morrison Shocking evidence has emerged that points to the U.K. Met Office inventing temperature data from over 100 non-existent weather stations. The explosive allegations have been made by citizen journalist Ray Sanders and sent to the new Labour Science Minister Peter Kyle MP. […]
CBS News: ‘Threat of foodborne pathogens is growing with climate change, experts warn’ – ‘McDonald’s (E. coli) outbreak is a reminder that climate change is real’
(CBS) — Warmer temperatures are impacting the food supply and its safety, experts warned amid an outbreak of E. coli that has struck McDonald’s Quarter Pounders. Experts said pathogens—the bacteria that can make us sick—are changing with the weather. “It’s an adjustment due to climate change,” said Pratik Banerjee, who teaches food safety at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “and some of these adjustments are not good.” …
Slivered onions placed on Quarter Pounders are the likely source of the E. coli contamination leading to the McDonald’s outbreak, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. According to those with whom CBS News Chicago connected for this story, the McDonald’s outbreak is a reminder that climate change is real. …
“People who don’t believe in global warming are going to believe in global warming eventually,” said attorney Bill Marler of Marler Clark, The Food Safety Law Firm, “because there’s a lot of studies that are coming out now that are showing that certain pathogens like E. coli, salmonella, campylobacter are adapting better to a heated environment than we are.”
Climate narrative falls apart as the cooler-than-average La Niña expected to appear – ‘Switching to lithium-powered vehicles will not cool or warm the climate’ By Jack Hellner Scientists know that El Niño and La Niña weather patterns have been around for tens of thousands of years, affecting land and ocean temperatures, storm patterns, and “had a role” in the “demise or disruption” of human civilizations. Here’s this, from NASA: The chemical signatures of warmer seas and increased rainfall have […]
‘No change in the warming rate’ – New climate study finds no warming surge since the 1970s – ‘A recent surge in global warming is not detectable yet’
Published in Nature Communications Earth & Environment – Published:
Alaskan Summers Are Getting Warmer – Resulting in New Farms By Ward Clark When one is discussing farming, Alaska isn’t the first place that usually comes to mind. Most of the state isn’t good for it. Some crops do well in our short, cool summers; pumpkins, some cabbages, potatoes, and other truck crops. Many others do not. But this is changing. No matter what the […]