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Physicist: No Convincing Evidence That Antarctic Ice Sheet is Melting No Convincing Evidence That Antarctic Ice Sheet is Melting October 21, 2019 By Physicist Dr. Ralph Alexander Of all the observations behind mass hysteria over our climate, none induces as much panic as melting of the earth’s two biggest ice sheets, covering the polar landmasses of Antarctica and Greenland. As long ago as 2006, Al […]

Media hype fails as Antarctic sea ice nears mean & southern oceans are running well below normal temperature by tonyheller A few weeks ago, during mid-winter, experts announced that rapidly growing Antarctic sea ice had “shrunk to record lows.” Antarctic sea ice: Shrinks to record low levels, study says Antarctic sea ice extent is right at the 1981-2010 mean. Charctic Interactive Sea Ice Graph | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis The southern […]

‘Climate Emergency?!’ – More like ‘Scientific Emergency’ – See how W. Antarctica study gets morphed into pure propaganda – Media ‘exaggerated paper’s findings from science into revelation’  Larry Kummer, Editor  Climate change, Science & Nature 18 August 2019 Summary: Our elites believe they can shape our minds through propaganda. This is most obvious in the barrage of exaggerations and misrepresentations of climate science, designed to panic us into approving the Green New Deal. Here is an example of how this happens, the news equivalent […]

Study: The Medieval Warm Period in Antarctica The Medieval Climate Anomaly in Antarctica By Sebastian Lüning, Mariusz Gałka and Fritz Vahrenholt Highlights Opposing temperature trends of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) in Antarctica. MCA warming found in Antarctic Peninsula and Victoria Land. MCA cooling found in the Ross Ice Shelf region and probably in the Weddell Sea. Spatial distribution of MCA cooling and warming follows modern dipole […]

Scientists Find Antarctica Is Rapidly Cooling And Any Ice Sheet Melt Is Not Due To CO2, But Natural By Kenneth Richard Natural variability rules in Antarctica. Scientists identify clouds, wind, and localized solar heating – not CO2 – as the factors driving ice melt. Rising CO2 leads to Antarctic cooling. Image Source: Lüning et al. 2019 Antarctica rapidly cooling in recent decades In a review of the scientific literature, Lüning et al. 2019 report Antarctica as a whole […]

Antarctica was warmer one thousand years ago — and life was OK By Jo Nova Remember when polar amplification was the rage? So much for that theory Antarctica is twice the size of the US or Australia. Buried 2 km deep under domes of snow, it holds 58 meters of global sea level to ransom. The IPCC have been predicting its demise-by-climate-change for a decade or two. […]

10 Of 10 Coastal Antarctic Stations Show Zero Warming Over Past Decades – ‘Opposite of what was predicted’ 10 Of 10 Coastal Antarctic Stations Show Zero Warming Over Past Decades. Failed Scientists Need To Resign NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by P Gosselin By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Update: Another coastal station has been added: Novolazarevsk, bringing the total to 11 stations. ============================================== Over the past few years, climate […]

Antarctic Sea Ice Growth Due To Fewer Clouds, Chinese Scientists Find

Researchers have discovered that lower cloud coverage in the Antarctic can promote sea ice growth. Unlike the rapid decline of Arctic sea ice in the warming climate, Antarctic sea ice witnessed a modest extension over the past four decades, according to the paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. –Xinhua News Agency, 26 April […]

Flashback 2008: Climate change study predicts refugees fleeing into Antarctica by 2030 By Paul Homewood Flashback to the Telegraph in 2008: Climate change will force refugees to move to Antarctica by 2030, researchers have predicted. Among future scenarios are the Olympics being held in cyberspace and central Australia being abandoned, according to the think tank report. Forum for the Future, a research body committed to sustainable […]

AP: Parts of Midwest Colder Than Antarctica During Deep Freeze BISMARCK, N.D. — The deadly deep freeze enveloping the Midwest sent temperatures plunging Wednesday to rival some of the most frigid spots in the world, triggering widespread closures of schools and businesses, and the canceling of more than 1,600 flights to and from Chicago’s airports. The U.S. Postal Service even took the rare step […]