Via the Committee to Unleash Prosperity: Kamala Explains Fracking Flip Flop
It’s entertaining to watch liberal operatives explain why Kamala is suddenly retreating from her radical positions on everything from the border wall, to the Green New Deal, to reparations, to fracking, to taxing unrealized capital gains, to Medicare for all, et al.
She says even though her positions shift with the political winds, “my values haven’t changed.”
But her campaign’s explanation below for why she is now FOR fracking is a non sequitur.
As we’ve noted many times on these pages, there is NO “progress on climate.” Today we get more than 80% of our energy from fossil fuels – which is about exactly where we were five years ago – despite the hundreds of billions spent.
As for Kamala’s statement that other nations are reaching their climate targets, that’s a myth too. Actually, in 2023 the world burned more fossil fuels than at any other time in history. Here are the facts:
- Global energy-related CO2 emissions increased by 1.7%, driven by China and India.
- Fossil fuel consumption in 2023 reached a record high, rising by 1.5% to 505 exajoules.
- China is by far the world’s largest consumer of primary energy, burning 34% of world consumption 170.7.
- Almost no country is meeting their UN anti-fossil fuel targets.
Despite the mandates, subsidies & regs — solar & wind generate only 14% of U.S. electricity in 2022
Study in journal Science: Only 63 of 1,500 Global Climate Policies of Past 25 Years Worked to Reduce CO2 Emissions – A success rate of 4.2% – Study author: ‘We find that it’s very rare that [subsidies and regulations] really work in reducing emissions.’
Bjorn Lomborg: ” The US produces mostly fossil fuel energy (84%). Solar and wind make up just 2.2% of all energy (not just electricity). Over the past decade, solar and wind increased total energy production by 2.1%. Fossil fuels increased energy production by 27.9%.
The US is mostly run on fossil fuels, also in 2023. 82% of all energy (not just electricity) consumed comes from coal, oil and gas. Nuclear is 9%, renewables (mostly biomass) is 9%. Solar and wind contributes 2.5%.
The US, has since 2019, produced more energy than it consumes. And it has never been more energy-independent since WWII. Last time of small energy surpluses was 1957.”
March 5, 2024
Juice: Why Wind and Solar Make Our Power Grid Less Reliable: Excerpt: “Just to produce one turbine, we have to extract 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete, and 45 tons of non-renewable plastic. Then we’ve got to transport that and burn fuel, getting it all carried across the world and put up. And none of these things that go into a turbine are renewable.”
‘Coal is now world’s top energy source’ – Coal, no longer shunned, keeps Europe’s lights on
Black Rock’s Larry Fink Admits Green Energy IS A FRAUD! – At the WEF, Larry Fink ironically destroys net-zero when it comes to the power needed for AI: “By 2030 [data centers] need 30 gigawatts.. Where’s that power gonna come from? To power these data companies you can’t have intermittent power like wind & solar”