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UK Independent: ‘Climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers’ – Media claims ‘extreme weather linked to climate change’ is affecting transgender prostitutes’ ‘income’

UK Independent via Reuters – April 3, 2024: Joya Patiha, a 43-year-old Indonesian transgender woman, first started to notice that changing weather patterns in the mountain-ringed city of Bandung were affecting her income as a sex worker a decade ago. The rainy season was lasting longer across the West Java province, winds were stronger and in some particularly bad years Patiha lost up to 80% of her earnings. Trans women like Patiha are among the most affected by extreme weather linked to climate change, as well as suffering disproportionately when disasters strike. “No one is coming out during the longer rainy season,” said Patiha. “It is very hard to make money during that unpredictable weather.” … 

Indonesia is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and trans women, who tend to face more stigma and marginalisation than trans men or other LGBTQ+ Indonesians, are also among those hardest hit by extreme weather. … 

Arif Budi Darmawan, a researcher at the Bandung-based Resilience Development Initiative said: “Climate change makes the vulnerable even more vulnerable.” … The group’s coordinator Rikky, who asked that his first name only be used, said unpredictable weather also led to “illness, debt, stress, conflicts with local residents, and heightened levels of violence”.

Biden admin issues energy efficiency restrictions on key power grid technology By Thomas Catenacci Fox News The Biden administration finalized energy efficiency regulations targeting distribution transformers, which are vital for managing the flow of electricity from power stations to consumers. In an announcement Thursday morning, the Department of Energy said the regulations would help accelerate the development of green energy nationwide and are part of the Biden administration’s “commitment […]

Former AG William Barr’s free market group sues California over EV truck mandate By Thomas Catenacci Fox News A free market business group whose legal arm is led by two-time former U.S. Attorney General William Barr has filed a federal lawsuit against California over its climate regulations for phasing out diesel-powered heavy-duty vehicles. The American Free Enterprise Chamber of Commerce – which was launched in 2022 to fight government regulations – filed […]

Watch: Morano on Hannity on Fox News: Biden’s green energy transition is ‘magical thinking from beginning to end’

Hannity – Fox News Channel – Broadcast April 5, 2024 

Sean Hannity: The publisher of Climate Depot, Marc Morano, is back. Good to see you.  … Marc, you have spent the better part of your adult life debunking the climate alarmist religious cult. Now it’s it’s fully in gear and it’s spending all of this money. What do people really need to know about what they are pedaling and how it’s based on phony science, not real science? You know, look at the study that came out a couple of weeks ago; electric cars may pollute the planet more than gas-powered cars, but all of this never gets told to the American people in the media mob.

Marc Morano: The UCLA historian Saul Friedländer described the central planners of the 20th century as using the bureaucracy to enforce ‘magical beliefs.’ The ‘magical beliefs’ here are that we can spend trillions of dollars and magically transform our vehicles from gas power to EVs. ‘Magically’ transform our electrical grid to solar and wind and claim we’re doing something to save the climate. Even if we faced a ‘climate catastrophe,’ the last thing you’d want to do is the Biden administration approach — a central-planned top-down government plan of picking winners and losers. You would need to unleash innovation if that’s what we actually faced. You’d want a wealthier country; you would want a technological explosion. You would want capitalism unleashed because the cleanest environments are the freest environments.

They take the exact opposite approach here, and it’s ‘magical thinking’ from beginning to end in terms of the green agenda. This is just going to hammer the American people. They’re spending so much money that there are parts of California where they don’t have enough bureaucrats to spend the climate cash flowing in from the Inflation Reduction Act and from the Biden administration. They have to hire bureaucrats even to figure out how to spend it all.

‘Reckless’ federal owl slaughter: Government proposal to kill a half-million barred owls to protect the spotted owl sparks controversy By Clare Marie Schneider – NPR  A proposal by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to kill roughly half a million barred owls to protect the spotted owl has conservationists and animal welfare advocates debating the moral issue of killing one species to protect another. The proposal, published in November, garnered attention in recent […]

Net Zero is working! Green Britain returning to its pre-industrial bliss?! UK domestic energy production falls to lowest level on record! Imported a net 41.1% of its energy in 2023 By Emma Powell – UK Telegraph The amount of energy produced domestically in Britain has fallen to its lowest level on record, increasing the country’s dependency on imports from Norway and the United States. North Sea oil production last year fell to the weakest level since records began in 1948 and gas output […]

Climate Alarmists’ Bad Science: Advocates conduct shoddy research in an effort to show that warming will reduce economic growth By David Barker I debunked research by the Federal Reserve and top academic economists on the economics of climate change. An author of a paper I debunked then said that three professors from Stanford and Berkeley had done a much better analysis of temperature and growth in an article they published in Nature. I took up […]

Biden EPA’s Electric Truck Mandate Is ‘Truly Insane’ – Cost of electric 18 wheeler is ‘two to three times’ price of diesel rig – ‘Conversion would never take place unless forced by government mandate’ By DAVID BLACKMON In their continuing quest to electrify the U.S. automotive fleet against the clear will of the American people, the zealots in the Biden administration rolled out their new requirements related to heavy trucks on Good Friday. Amazingly, they did it in a way that will make the mandates even more expensive […]

WaPo & Amazon founder Jeff Bezos buys $90 million mansion on a MAN-MADE barrier island in Florida despite his paper constantly hyping climate sea level rise Does Jeff Bezos believe his own paper? His actions suggest not. By Joe Bastardi Look at this: From the article: “…Bezos, the world’s second-richest person worth $203.7 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, announced in November that he was moving to Miami from the Seattle region. He shelled out $147 million for […]