This is what people used to say before throwing people into volcanoes.
— BDW (@BryanDeanWright) January 10, 2023
Paper By Zhou et al Surprises! …Heavy Precipitation Under ‘Global Warming’ Likely ‘Overestimated’
Extreme Weather expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. comments on new study: ‘New empirical study: Are floods increasing in North America and Europe? No (and consistent with IPCC.)’
Study published in the Journal of Hydrology, Volume 552, September 2017, Pages 704-717. The study found:
‘The number of significant trends was about the number expected due to chance alone.’
‘Changes in the frequency of major floods are dominated by multidecadal variability.’
‘The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded (Hartmann et al., 2013) that globally there is no clear and widespread evidence of changes in flood magnitude or frequency in observed flood records.’
‘The results of this study, for North America and Europe, provide a firmer foundation and support the conclusion of the IPCC (Hartmann et al., 2013) that compelling evidence for increased flooding at a global scale is lacking.’
New Study Finds No Evidence Of Global Warming Increasing Extreme Rainfall